Outdooractive / route-me

Open source map library for iOS
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Annotations position translation? #124

Open MattFoley opened 11 years ago

MattFoley commented 11 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to mimic an instance of Google Maps with a quad tree tile provider I wrote for use with this library. The tiles are viewable correctly and zoom in and out correctly, but my annotations are not positioned correctly.

My annotation lat/longs are identical to the Google Maps data/instance, and they seem to be in the correct positions relative to each other except they are super close, as if they're zoomed out incredibly far.

I believe this is because the Google Maps instance's lat/long is normalized between 0 and 1. Is this an issue with my projection then? Any ideas how I would go about fixing it? I could provide example code, but I'm not sure where to start.