Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons / new-horizons

A tool for modifying or creating new planets, dialogue, ship logs, and more for Outer Wilds.
MIT License
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Add "noCredits" credits volume type (eote ending) #832

Open GameWyrm opened 3 months ago

GameWyrm commented 3 months ago


Instead of bringing up the ending orange text and showing the credits, it shows the white ending text used as the Echoes of the Eye ending with your custom text and then ends the loop normally, bringing you to the next loop. This should be helpful in cases where there is a massive solar system that everyone has put their planet in which takes forever to load from the main menu, but everyone has put in a credits volume so you always have to do so anyway...


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JohnCorby commented 3 months ago

perhaps this could have a better name than no credits. or at least document that its just the eote ending behavior

xen-42 commented 3 months ago

blah blah