Outer-Wilds-New-Horizons / new-horizons

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SearchUtilities.Find feature parity with GameObject.Find #845

Open JohnCorby opened 2 months ago

JohnCorby commented 2 months ago

now that owrigidbodys are not unparented until after a frame, most addon paths are wrong (start with body name instead of SolarSystemRoot/whatever_body, and anglerfish are worse) and so search will occur only on the name. this has already broken some things, such as solar rangers using owlk gameobjects from band together

this can either be fixed by manually checking against those certain paths and making them resolve correctly, or more accurately, by supporting partial paths. currently gameobject.find does this, but the inactive version does not, and we really should at this point. it wouldnt be that much slower than searching by only name (just get the leaf name and go up the parent or get the root and go down the child. unity docs suggests it does the former) we can benchmark this probably

then we can just be exactly the same as gameobject.find except working with inactive objects too.