npm start the the components showed up on the homepage. when paced into app.
Briefly, but clearly describe what you did, and explain any new code.
I created a form component - with drop downs indicating what the user flow would look like
added a media query to adjustat width < 1000 px
added useState hook inside form to update the selects based on user selection
Created a detail component: what an article of clothing may be organized at in a personal vantage point. no official Css just basic outlines for what the material can/may be displayed at.
no media query embedded so this is expected to be updated and played with.
Are there any concerns, issues, or bugs in this branch? If so describe them.
making sure the pages are designed mobile first. I have not worked much with media queries so this is a learning process
Also not knowing all of the functionality expected on the detail card page. This could take some more engineering.
Where to find Changes:
: js and css
js and css
basic set up when staring a create -react - app
line Numbers if possible:
[ ] My code follows the style guidelines of this project
[ ] I have performed a self-review of my own code
[ ] I have commented my code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas
[ ] I have used tests to prove my fix is effective or that my feature works
[ ] New and existing unit tests pass locally with my change
What does this merge do? Check all that apply.
How has this been tested?
npm start the the components showed up on the homepage. when paced into app.
Briefly, but clearly describe what you did, and explain any new code.
Are there any concerns, issues, or bugs in this branch? If so describe them.
Where to find Changes:
: js and cssFiles: Methods: line Numbers if possible: