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blog social media plugin #76

Closed LZakaria closed 10 years ago

LZakaria commented 10 years ago

Add plug in to share blogs on social media: Facebook, Twitter ...

Also, social media share of checkout/confirmation- "you're booked for Mt Snow tomorrow! Tell your friends! share on ... FB, twitter etc..."

nedlymandico commented 10 years ago

@jeksulu @LZakaria I added a plugin for the social media share buttons to be at the bottom of every blog post. you can also use this shortcode anywhere to make the social share button appear where you like.

not sure if you guys are familiar with shortcode but you need to use the brackets so copy it as is---> [quickshare]

If you guys are happy with the look n function you can close this issue.

LZakaria commented 10 years ago

Got it @nedlymandico ... looks good.... so just to clarify, do we need to manually use the shortcode at the end of a post?

nedlymandico commented 10 years ago

No it is there automatically but if you want to put it in the middle of the post or on a page u can use the shortcode.

LZakaria commented 10 years ago

awesome.. done deal