OvenProofMars / Power_DI

Darktide mod framework for collecting, transforming, and displaying statistical game data
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Stutters on autosave: some buff_proc_set_active_time items might be bloating report sizes #16

Open Sunderbraze opened 2 months ago

Sunderbraze commented 2 months ago

Hey, so, really really love this mod so far. Only issue I've noted so far is that I had a session where autosaving the report caused the game to stutter for nearly a full second. This only occurred during one session so far; I think I know what caused it, guesswork follows.

Looking back on the report it looks like the culprit was this one: Buff events > Talent > Unknown > buff_proc_set_active_time > ogryn_toughness_restored_aura_tracking_buff This seems to have ticked to a total of 434284 which might have been what bloated the saves and caused the stutter. Unfortunately I wasn't the Ogryn in this session so I'm not sure which item in his talent tree it specifically was, my best guess would be "Lynchpin" which is one right and one down from the top of the tree.

Here's a copy of the session, Github won't let me upload so I put it on GDocs: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1utE3_97a6JcCe2lryqTE_fmAVz8jLSLp/view?usp=sharing

I suspect that some redundancies are being recorded (434284 toughness being regenerated sounds a tad high) but even if this is functioning as intended it might be useful to allow players to blacklist certain specific entries from being tracked. As a point of comparison my psyker_toughness_on_warp_generation only ticked to a total of 29777 in a different report.

Also, I'm not sure if this is related, but when I tried to do a manual dump, the game went into app hang for about 30 seconds then disconnected me. Got this in chat from [DMF]: [ERROR] (dump_to_file): Deadlock detected. Triggering crash inside Lua: [string "./../mods/dmf/scripts/mods/dmf/modules/debug/..."]:315:
