OverLordGoldDragon / ssqueezepy

Synchrosqueezing, wavelet transforms, and time-frequency analysis in Python
MIT License
599 stars 92 forks source link

Consider publishing to conda-forge #105

Closed nup002 closed 3 months ago

nup002 commented 3 months ago

The scientific computing community heavily depend Anaconda for environment reproducibility and dependency management. I personally have several projects that utilize ssqueezepy. Since it is not published to conda-forge, I often have trouble with accurately replicating environments, and I cannot publish packages to conda-forge that depend on ssqueezepy.

I wish to ask @OverLordGoldDragon to look into adding ssqueezepy to conda-feedstock: https://github.com/conda-forge/conda-feedstock?tab=readme-ov-file#about-conda-forge

As ssqueezepy only depend on packages available from conda-forge, there should be no show-stoppers.

OverLordGoldDragon commented 3 months ago

Yes, it's being considered.