OvercastCommunity / PublicMaps

Publicly available PGM maps used by oc.tc
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Biomes: Fix spawns and add creation date #23

Closed zzufx closed 1 year ago

zzufx commented 1 year ago
CrazyisCreeps commented 1 year ago

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I was told raising the spawns on my own map (Hide n Seek) was causing some other issues with the anti-cheat?

I raised them for the same reason as you

zzufx commented 1 year ago

Hm, that's interesting. I've definitely never heard of any issues with using .5 y values, in fact all of my maps have always had it on release. Was the problem on the original HnS or on the community version? I do know people still get stuck on the latter, could make it so you can only spawn on the paths? Without having looked at the code, could that issue be an effect of the <translate> stuff somehow?

Cazadorian commented 1 year ago

Spawning someone in the air can sometimes result in players in modern versions of the game getting stuck, so it's generally best to always try to spawn them flat on the ground to avoid this. I don't know why certain runner maps still have people getting stuck in the floor though, as they shouldn't with spawns flat on the ground and it only seems to affect runner maps with plenty of normal maps having no issues at all. Spawning them up in the air will likely just result in different people getting stuck.

zzufx commented 1 year ago

Could it be because it uses <block> for the spawns? So it generates a random set of coords in that specific block and then it turns out the y value ends up being slightly underground for some reason

zzufx commented 1 year ago

Update: Changing <block> regions to <point> seems to have fixed it, as I've tested it numerous times and haven't gotten spawned inside the ground since