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Team inviting seems to be broken. #1617

Open destructioneth opened 9 years ago

destructioneth commented 9 years ago

Today I invited a new team member, his IGN was Stormer_. For some reason, a lot of players received an alert like if I invited them to the team. Some of them were all of my team members, and '10jps10'. The only thing I have in common with 10jps10 is that I was in a team with him some time ago, the team was called 'Chill' and the team leader was MrLordBaron. Regards, manucide.

Superjd10 commented 9 years ago

I got an invitation too (I was on the manucide's team like 2 months ago)

Edde commented 9 years ago

I received an invitation from when Manucide invited Stormer_, what happens is that it redirects me to the team page but luckily doesn't kick anyone out of the team or something.

Scorpioon commented 9 years ago

Its different from #1602 or its the same?

tonybruess commented 9 years ago

Yeah, let's use this issue

Scorpioon commented 9 years ago

Nice! @mrapple

We could use some images from the older post (in manus post I cant see anyone), it delivers a bit more visual support I belive!


<img src="https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d6779f3b9cffa8096ff52e12d344fed77e357cfd/687474703a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f4b6e5936357a562e6a7067"