OvercastNetwork / Rotations

Overcast Network's public server rotations
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Add new server for newer maps, change Primed #375

Closed Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 closed 9 years ago

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago

Over the past 6 months I've seen a huge gap in a few things. The regulars want Tournament Style TNT maps, like SSB and Fractal Descent. The newer players, and some of the innovative map makers are going to different style of gameplay, and unfortunately the two don't mesh well. On Primed, we have a combination of the two. The newer maps are the ones with full spawn kits, without supply chests, with heavy XML gameplay. I've come to see that a good amount of people like those maps. And theres no denying that, those maps get good ratings on the servers. But, as shown in the feedback on the forums and the surveys taken there, the regulars, and I'm sure some non regulars, enjoy the older forms of Primed.

Heres the suggestion: Change primed, but add a new server. One for tournament style TNT DTC/M maps, and one for innovative and newer maps. It could be called Innovation, or maybe just something simple like Gamma.

Sample Primed Rotation would be:

Woodwork Harbor Fractal Iris DTC Fortress Battles Interitus Retal 2 SSB BVIII Totally War 2 Adaptations of the maps made for potential Tourney 9 maps, but changed to suit public play.

Sample Innovation/Gamma/whatever the name would be Rotation:

BoomBox Cos(TNT) DATAbasin DATAstation EnderBlast Zap Kï Greed DK crossovers There are more of these maps being made all the time (Surrounded by Coolstorybrofish ) This rot could also be supplemented by maps that don't have TNT, but are innovative, such as Battle Ecliptica III, Khaba, Sandbox, Sequential and those type maps.

This would solve the issues on Primed of the Regulars who want to play on maps that are tourney style, and would give the players who like the new breed of innovative maps a new place to play them all.

MarcRoizman commented 9 years ago

I agree with this. I much prefer the newer style of maps, and would like to see this tried out. With Primed having as big of a server population as it has, I think it could support, and would benefit from, this sort of split. This would also end a lot of the disagreements and drama I've seen on the forums about the growing number of "experimental," modern Primed maps on OCN taking over the "tourney gameplay" server.

eliyap commented 9 years ago

This would be pretty sweet, though I am concerned that there would be backlash from people who don't like TNT in general.

I do think that splitting the 2 rots is correct, given that the gameplay and aesthetics of both are so radically different

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago

@Ipskie An important thing to do would be to make Innovation not just about TNT, but about innovation in general. Sandbox, Greed, and Khaba are all non-TNT focused maps that are innovative and would show how Innovation isnt just tnt maps

CoWinkKeyDinkInc commented 9 years ago

I wouldn't prefer calling it Innovation, but I do like the idea of a server. The name implies that only innovative maps would be found on that server, and the some that just joined may consider that better just because they haven't been around to know how it innovates from other maps. It'd be a nice addition to replace the two or so Mini servers that never seem to be open as this server can fit more players.

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago

This would essentially solve #374 #300 #357 #266 #261 #243 #259 and many others.

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago

In addition, another option in this would be to remove Nostalgia. A good portion of the nostalgia maps would fit on the changed Primed (Airship Battles, SSB, Avalanche, Fortress Battles), and the rest would be put in separate rots as suggested in the Remove Nostalgia idea, and would put a server up for the new people who really enjoy the newer breed of maps.

CoWinkKeyDinkInc commented 9 years ago

Just so you know, you can edit your comments by using the pencil in the top right.

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago

@CoWinkKeyDinkInc Yes, I did know that, I was also going for the subtle bump. I commented teice because I had 2 seperate thoughts to add.

Just so you know, you can tag me and give me a notification by using the @username function /s :-)

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago

Can we please have some mapdev feedback on this?

ItzaMeLuigi commented 9 years ago

Sounds like a good idea to me.

ghost commented 9 years ago

+1 This would make all players happy, both the cos-lovers and the people wanting tournament-styled maps.

SuicuneScale commented 9 years ago

Heavily in favour of this. It satisfies everyone, and I don't see any downside to it.

Superjd10 commented 9 years ago

Completly agree, everyone would be happy.

Strangeys commented 9 years ago

Adding another server at this point is useless unless removing nostalgia will be a thing. With the most recent dynamic server change we don't even get past mini04 for servers to turn on most of the time. With the amount of maps with TNT as it stands, we barely have enough for a decent rotation. Fortress, Interitus, Retaliation 2, and SSB are maps I think don't work well anymore because their objectives are really easy to get now and 3/4 of those maps have supply chests with normal players don't really like a lot (see nostalgia ratings as almost every map in its rot has supply chests). We'd barely have a rotation with the remaining maps and unless more TNT maps can be produced, I don't see a point in another server.

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago


I disagree about those maps playing poorly, I believe they would play well if and only if they had a rotation dedicated to maps similar. They get rushed because some players want the xml heavy cos, which consequently can't be rushed by those who don't like it. If the rotation was completely composed of tnt tourney style maps, they would play better.

I don't think there would really be a problem with removing nostalgia if there was a good alternative to it, which there currently is none (This idea would solve that.) When apple me tioned removing nostalgia, he was met with a ton of resistance because the nost regs really didn't want to be forced to play on xmlprimed.

eliyap commented 9 years ago

@Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 I don't think that a rotation really affects the maps around it. I also don't think that the reason maps get rushed is because people are trying to get to cos, it's just because they like rushing and cos can't be rushed. If people really liked XML heavy then BoomBox wouldn't get rushed, which does happen

Z3R0Z3R0Z3R0 commented 9 years ago

@Ipskie Point taken, but the rotation absolutely does effect the maps around it.

Overcast has grown, and was built on competition.The earliest days were competitive, even if they weren't organized tourneys like recently. This server would probably end up being a bit more competitive than the others (Think OG primed. Lots of experienced players who are able to counter rush) and this would likely improve gameplay. OCN was built on competition, has grown on it, and should have at least 1 server that reflects it.

Electroid commented 9 years ago

Primed is getting a change, you'll see a post soon.