OvertureMaps / data

Overture Maps Data
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missing data for connectors found in segments properties #200

Open sainathsanga opened 1 month ago

sainathsanga commented 1 month ago


I download transportation data (connectors and segments files) for bounding box: 76.801687,28.307455,77.45121,28.899387

For this data, I found some connector ids in the segment properties that are missing from the connectors file. Could you please let me know if this is a bug or I am I misunderstanding the transportation data model based on connectors and segments?

Thank you.

jeffdefacto commented 4 weeks ago

Hi @sainathsanga, some segments will extend outside of the bounding box while the connectors, being points, will not. Could that be what you are seeing? If not, do you mind providing an example so we can investigate?
