Overv / outrun

Execute a local command using the processing power of another Linux machine.
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send install cmd over for distro. #6

Open necrose99 opened 4 years ago

necrose99 commented 4 years ago

ie some cases command or packages need be installed. ie Distro = Gentoo emerge -vgk (verbose get pkgs use pkgs if available else build) or yum/apt etc..

iot nodes arm64 >>>> amd-64-server to do bulk processing going to have a bad day..
ie network monitoring nodes or honeypot nodes ... else use cmd only on the server node ie ship data.. for crunching.
without having to wrap qemu and ie use same util on host/s could ignore arch requirements and just do the data.

however if just data files then good times.. as if one has to wrapp the cmd's ie qumeu etc ie fchroot it could add layers of unexpected complexity.

else for builds fchroot might be of use as a sub.. /optional util.... ( https://pypi.org/project/fchroot/ / https://code.funtoo.org/bitbucket/users/drobbins/repos/fchroot/browse )

(for Gentoo builds hopefully can add soon a common NAS-Drive for common mounts ie disfiles packages to share etc between nodes despite this tool... however emerge foo bar etc would be nice to push emerge to other nodes ie if they can build in some packages in parallel a plus, as rpi-3 rpi-4 rpi4-desktop-minilcd-case@256GB card , rock64pro , others smaller , rock64pro debian sdcard , chroot to emmc to build base Gentoo root install on. however distcc or task distribution a plus. ) however this tool cough my eye for parallel builds on multiple nodes.

adding an ebuild for this is on my to do list... as pip and gentoo dont mix terribly well, except virtual-env and $USER/./pip...../python$