OvidijusParsiunas / deep-chat

Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website
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OnResponse format with OpenAI and tool_calls #130

Closed devpulse01 closed 4 months ago

devpulse01 commented 4 months ago

Hi Ovidijus!

I have a question regarding the use of the onResponse return value when dealing with a tool_call response from OpenAI.


While I can successfully return various response types such as text and files, as described here https://deepchat.dev/docs/connect#Response, I'm not sure about how to integrate this with a tool_call.

For instance, when dealing with streaming, returning the response like this works perfectly: return { 'text': response.choices[0].delta.content };

For non-streaming responses: return { 'text': response.choices[0].message.content };

However, I'm unsure about handling a tool_call. Does this imply that in scenarios involving a proxy and a custom handler, I would need to handle the tool_call process on my own?

Thank you!

OvidijusParsiunas commented 4 months ago

Hi @devpulse01.

Could you share some of the code you are using? If I understand correctly, you are doing everything through the request handler and you are not using the directConnection property. If this is correct, then I am a little confused on how the return { 'text': response.choices[0].delta.content }; comes into this context.

Just want to make sure I fully understand the problem before I give advice. Thankyou!

devpulse01 commented 4 months ago

Yes, sure. I have something like this:

request config:

   handler: (body, signals) => Proxy.handleRequest(url, method, headers, body, signals)

Then the handleRequest method:

handleRequest(url, method, headers, body, signals){
            try {
                const response = await utils.call(method, url, headers, body, maxRetry);
            } catch (error) {
                signals.onResponse({ error: 'Error while calling proxy endpoint' });

Then on the onResponse:

onResponse = (response: any): any => {
        if (this.isProxy()){
            if (this.isStream()){
                return { 'text': response.choices[0].delta.content };
            return { 'text': response.choices[0].message.content };
       return response;
OvidijusParsiunas commented 4 months ago

Ok, I see you are handling everything on your end. This does unfortunately mean that you will also have to handle the tool_calls responses on your end as well.

I must say it is not easy, especially if you are facilitating both normal and streamed responses. The best thing that I can do is provide a reference to how Deep Chat handles the responses here. You should be able to copy and reuse a lot of the code there.

Let me know if you have any difficulties. Thanks.

devpulse01 commented 4 months ago

I suspected it. Now I have confirmation. Thank you for the link :) Best

devpulse01 commented 4 months ago

Hi Ovidijus,

I'm nearing the completion of the code, but I've run into an issue related to stream handling and tool_call. Specifically, the problem arises when I try to close the stream in the handler.

Here’s the sequence of actions in my current process:

The response appears correctly in the chat. However, I'm facing a challenge with the code for the stream handler, which is structured as follows:

onclose() {
    if (!service.asyncCallInProgress) {
    service.emitter.on('asyncCallTerminate', () => {
        service.asyncCallInProgress = false;

I emit the asyncCallTerminate event after sending the OpenAI response. But, when I call signals.onClose(), I got:


I apologize for all these questions and truly appreciate any guidance. Best

OvidijusParsiunas commented 4 months ago

Hmmmmm, usually this error is given when no response was streamed to the chat, however you said that response appears correctly in the chat which is a little strange. May I ask if you are using the stream property?

Also, the asyncCallInProgress property is meant to be used internally within Deep Chat. Though I don't think this makes any difference if you are using it in the handler, but may I inquire why you are using it?

This information should hopefully help me to solve the issue. Thanks!

devpulse01 commented 4 months ago

Hey Ovidijus, I finally found a solution for this case. I'm closing the ticket. Thank you.

OvidijusParsiunas commented 4 months ago

Glad you got it resolved @devpulse01. Could you share what the solution was if it was to do with Deep Chat, or was it something unrelated?