OvidijusParsiunas / deep-chat

Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website
MIT License
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Assistants Streaming File Download Links Bug #157

Open jackitaliano opened 2 months ago

jackitaliano commented 2 months ago




Direct Connection Fails to Stream Response: OpenAI Assistance | Issue #155

I'm aware this functionality was just added, and only to dev so far, so not expecting immediate fix. Just wanted to bring the bug to your attention.



Link with sandbox (link seen in devtools)


Link with data src link after refresh (link seen in devtools)

OvidijusParsiunas commented 2 months ago


Hey @jackitaliano. Thankyou for identifying this issue! Due to limited amount of time today I won't have a chance to look at it right now, but I will prioritise this issue tomorrow.

Thanks again!

OvidijusParsiunas commented 2 months ago

Hi, my sincere apologies for the late reply. I started my new job yesterday and immediately got his with the reality of having less free time. I spent a good bit of time analyzing the problem and it does appear to be on Deep Chat side of things, meaning I can fix it! The problem itself will likely require the ability to post-process a streamed message, which is not very trivial, hence I will need to spend an extended amount of time on fixing this. Please bare with me and I should get it fixed in a couple of days. Thankyou!

jackitaliano commented 2 months ago

Hi, my sincere apologies for the late reply. I started my new job yesterday and immediately got his with the reality of having less free time. I spent a good bit of time analyzing the problem and it does appear to be on Deep Chat side of things, meaning I can fix it! The problem itself will likely require the ability to post-process a streamed message, which is not very trivial, hence I will need to spend an extended amount of time on fixing this. Please bare with me and I should get it fixed in a couple of days. Thankyou!

No worries, good luck with the new job!

OvidijusParsiunas commented 2 months ago

Hey @jackitaliano.

I've been busy working on other issues at the moment and will try to get to this as soon as I possibly can. Thankyou!

OvidijusParsiunas commented 2 months ago

Hey @OvidijusParsiunas.

This should now be fixed in deep-chat-dev and deep-chat-react-dev version 9.0.164. Let me know if this helps!