OvidijusParsiunas / deep-chat

Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website
MIT License
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Defining properties in Svelte #164

Closed jhancock closed 2 months ago

jhancock commented 2 months ago

Using the playground here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/deep-chat-svelte?file=src%2FApp.svelte

I try adding config in the form of for example:

    "submit": {
      "container": {
        "default": {
          "transform": "scale(1.21)",
          "marginBottom": "-3px",
          "marginRight": "0.4em"

So now the example component is:

<h1>Deep Chat</h1>
  <!-- demo/textInput are examples of passing an object directly into a property -->
  <!-- initialMessages is an example of passing a state object into a property -->
    textInput={{placeholder:{text: "Welcome to the demo!"}}}
    "submit": {
      "container": {
        "default": {
          "transform": "scale(1.21)",
          "marginBottom": "-3px",
          "marginRight": "0.4em"

We get a parse error telling us we are missing a '}' on the first line of any quoted struct . I've tried this with projects setup for js and ts. Same result.

OvidijusParsiunas commented 2 months ago

Hi @jhancock. The syntax you should be using for properties in Svelte is double curly braces - {{}}. So relating to your example for submitButtonStyles, it should be as follows:

  "submit": {
    "container": {
      "default": {
        "transform": "scale(1.21)",
        "marginBottom": "-3px",
        "marginRight": "0.4em"

To note, the double quotes for property names in the example above are optional.

jhancock commented 2 months ago

Brilliant! Thanks for the quick reply. I went to bed last night thinking this must have something to do with Svelte. Couldn't find example of how to encode the params this way.