OvidijusParsiunas / deep-chat

Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website
MIT License
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Feature: List of past threads #189

Open nileshtrivedi opened 1 month ago

nileshtrivedi commented 1 month ago

A very common use case is ability to visit and resume past conversations. See https://chat.openai.com for example.

It might be a good idea to provide a container component with the list of past threads (with actions like share, rename, archive, delete) as well as a button to start a new thread. This are stateful features, but they can possibly be handled much like past messages (i.e. initialMessages).

This will make it much simpler for backend frameworks to generate a really good Assistant experience without having to build much frontend.

buzhou9 commented 1 month ago

image Like this ? When you click this button, it will clear the current conversation record and start a new conversation again.

nileshtrivedi commented 1 month ago

That's one part of it. I meant the list of past threads which can be resumed. For example, we are currently considering using Chainlit instead of Deepchat with custom backend, because it has this:

OvidijusParsiunas commented 1 month ago

Hi @nileshtrivedi.

My apologies for a very late response, I'm currently trying to balance my work, studies and open source endeavours which has been a little challenging.

External outer components/add-ons for Deep Chat is something that I already have on my to-do list and am very eager to work on in the future. The problem at the moment is that I have a set of more pressing issues/enhancements to get through before I can start working on external components.

Having said that, this is an excellent opportunity for members of the community to try their hand at enhancing Deep Chat's capabilities and construct their own chat experience for others to use. I would be more than happy to give those projects a shout out (as long as they are Open Source ofcourse).

This would also fall into the category of creating a minimize/maximise container mentioned in the following issues:

I'll set this issue as a help wanted so that other Open Source developers can see it.

bruffridge commented 4 weeks ago

We built our own logic and UI to handle multiple chat threads in bidara-deep-chat. Our frontend is built using Svelte.

nileshtrivedi commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks @bruffridge ! This should be quite helpful! 👏