OvidijusParsiunas / deep-chat

Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website
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Customizing Dialogue Values #199

Open delsoul6104 opened 1 month ago

delsoul6104 commented 1 month ago

Currently, I want to achieve the following: when the user sends the dialogue "start", it will enter dialogue mode. At this point, a ConversationID will be generated. Throughout the conversation, in addition to the text, the ConversationID and channelID will also be sent to the backend. Currently, if there are suggestion buttons during the conversation, clicking the button essentially sends the button text. At this time, the ConversationID and channelID also need to be sent together. How can this be implemented?

Thank you.

OvidijusParsiunas commented 1 month ago

Hi @delsoul6104.

The scope of this issue seems too broad and more closely related to your particular project so I won't be able to provide any particular code examples. However, by reading your description, it appears that you may want to use the responseInterceptor to get the ConversationID and store it in your application state and then use the requestInterceptor to add the ConversationID and channelID to the outgoing message.

If the above don't work, you can also try to use the request handler to create your own custom implementation.