OvidijusParsiunas / deep-chat

Fully customizable AI chatbot component for your website
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HuggingFace - time out error #203

Open shivrajjadhav733 opened 1 month ago

shivrajjadhav733 commented 1 month ago


I went to example-servers folder. I used Java sample for server and UI example. I have added hugging face api key to application.properties Besides that there is no change at all to any of the codebase.

When I try to interact on UI, I get error either as operation timed out or network unreachable. Is it something related to proxy? If yes, where to set proxy. Can you share sample code?


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OvidijusParsiunas commented 1 month ago

Hi @shivrajjadhav733. There is no proxy and things should work right out of the box. Having said that, there are two types of errors that you can expect from Hugging Face:

Having said all of this, the error in your screen appears to be related with something potentially in your network. It could be because of the region you are in or a proxy/vpn that you may have. I would recommend trying to call their APIs via cURL/Postman instead and seeing if you get the same error. I would then try to check any issues with your network.

Apologies for not being able to help much more as I cannot reproduce the issue. Sorry.