Ovigho / markdown-portfolio

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Give your portfolio a header #3

Open github-learning-lab[bot] opened 6 years ago

github-learning-lab[bot] commented 6 years ago

Step 3: Add headers

As you saw on your website, the current portfolio is pretty sparse. We'll learn how to edit the file in this pull request to incorporate some Markdown headers. Headers will bolster the portfolio.

You can see an example of a header at the top of this page! Just like in any text editing software, a header is a larger bit of text at the beginning of a section.


# This is an <h1> tag
## This is an <h2> tag
###### This is an <h6> tag

The fewer the #, the larger the header.

How it looks

This is an <h1> tag

This is an <h2> tag

This is an <h6> tag

In Issues, Pull Requests, and comments, you can use the text formatting toolbar.

But, the toolbar isn't available everywhere. As you edit your file, you'll need to type the # symbols by hand.

:keyboard: Activity: Edit your file with Headers

  1. In this pull request, click the Files Changed tab.
  2. In the upper right corner of the file view, click the small pencil icon to open the file editor for the file titled _includes/01-name.md.
  3. On the Edit file tab, add a # before the content so it formats as a "header 1". You can use the same concept to add more headers, using 1 through 6 hash symbols.
  4. Above the new content, click Preview changes.
  5. At the bottom of the page, type a short, meaningful commit message that describes the change you made to the file.
  6. Click Commit Changes.

Watch below for my response

Ovigho commented 6 years ago

Welcome to My Blog

Do feel free to post your ideas

Ovigho commented 6 years ago

Displaying text for views