Closed littleblack111 closed 6 months ago
Show me Screenshot Pls.
Show me Screenshot Pls.
the commands are from README. At first I thought it was my code's issue. So I tested the command with multiple lines. Which didn't work
In JSON, strings cannot be written directly across lines. You should use newline characters.
curl -X POST http://localhost:1188/translate \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer your_access_token" \
-d '{
"text": "Hello\nworld!",
"source_lang": "EN",
"target_lang": "DE"
If you use this type of API debugging tool, you'll notice that when you paste something that contains line breaks, it's automatically converted to \n
so what should I do if I want to make it able to do multiple lines. Or is it just not possible?
so what should I do if I want to make it able to do multiple lines. Or is it just not possible?
Is my expression not clear enough? I have already given you quite clear examples above.
I hope you have some basic knowledge of coding, at least to the extent that you understand what \n
represents. Otherwise, I think you will not be able to use DeepLX properly.
understand, i need to convert it to \n then reconvert it back to lines
understand, i need to convert it to \n then reconvert it back to lines
It seems you still haven't understood what I meant. If you extract the data
from the Response, printing it will automatically line break because it contains \n
I need to convert it as well right?(like var=var.replace('\n', '\n') oh, I'm not printing it. I'm displaying it like a widget so, i convert it back (var=var.replace('\n', '\n'))
I need to convert it as well right?(like var=var.replace('\n', '\n') oh, I'm not printing it. I'm displaying it like a widget so, i convert it back (var=var.replace('\n', '\n'))
Show me your full code.
text = data["q"]
target_lang = data["target"]
if "source" in data:
source_lang = data["source"]
deeplx_base_url = os.environ.get("DEEPLX_BASE_URL")
if not deeplx_base_url:
return Response(
"error": {
"message": "No DEEPLX_BASE_URL provided",
text = text.replace('\n', '\\n')
body = {
"text": text,
"target_lang": target_lang,
if "source" in data:
body["source_lang"] = source_lang
req = ProxyRequest(
deeplx_base_url, "POST", '', json.dumps(body), query_params={}
# deeplx_base_url, "POST", headers, json.dumps(body), query_params={}
resp = await pass_through_request(http_client, req, nohttps=True, noheaders=True)
resp = json.loads(resp.content.decode("utf-8"))
translated_text = resp["alternatives"][0]
translated_text = translated_text.replace('\\nn', '\n')
res = {"data": {"translations": [{"translatedText": translated_text}]}}
except TypeError:
# res = {"error": {"message": "Failed to translate"}}
# res = {"data": {"translations": [{"translatedText": "Failed to translate"}]}}
res = {"data": {"translations": [{"translatedText": text}]}}
if "source" not in raycast_data:
res["data"]["translations"][0]["detectedSourceLanguage"] = resp[
return Response(status_code=200, content=json.dumps(res))
except Exception as e:
logger.error(f"DEEPLX error: {e}")
return Response(
"error": {
"message": "Unknown error",
replace('\n', '\\n')
Why do this?
because otherwise it will return {"code":404,"message":"No text to translate}
When I try to translate something with multiple lines(\n) like "Hello World" it will respond {"code":404,"message":"No text to translate}. Although "Hello World" works