Owen-Liuyuxuan / ros2_vision_inference

unified multi-threading inferencing nodes for monocular 3D object detection, depth prediction and semantic segmentation
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Inference of dla34_deform_576_768.onnx in tensorrt #5

Open mamadouDembele opened 2 weeks ago

mamadouDembele commented 2 weeks ago


I'm try to run dla34_deform_576_768.onnx model in tensorrt python. I got this error "[TRT] [E] 1: [runner.cpp::executeMyelinGraph::715] Error Code 1: Myelin ([myelinGraphExecute] Called without resolved dynamic shapes.)" .It's seems that the output shapes are dynamic (not fixed as usual). This is my first time dealing with this in tensorrt. I can't really find any resources on the internet on how to deal with this. I would like to know if you have already run the 3D detection model on tensorrt. If so, how did you manage this? If not, can you provide a model with a static shape model?

Screenshot from 2024-06-19 14-53-48

Owen-Liuyuxuan commented 2 weeks ago

Could you inform me of the TensorRT version and the Cuda version you are using?

Owen-Liuyuxuan commented 2 weeks ago

Mono3D is essentially doomed to have dynamic output unless you would like to decode output from the dense feature map.

But my warning and probably my workflow is different.

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