Owen-Liuyuxuan / visualDet3D

Official Repo for Ground-aware Monocular 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving / YOLOStereo3D: A Step Back to 2D for Efficient Stereo 3D Detection
Apache License 2.0
361 stars 76 forks source link

Which config is for the YoloStereo3D? #56

Closed BitandPoly closed 2 years ago

BitandPoly commented 2 years ago


Thanks a lot for your wonderful contributions. I am interested in the YoloStereo3D.

I found two configs - Yolo3D_example and Stereo3D_example in the config folder. I would like to know which one is for YoloStereo3D.

By the way, is Stereo3D the official code for YoloStereo3D? The link is as follows: https://github.com/Owen-Liuyuxuan/visualDet3D/blob/master/docs/stereo3d.md

Thanks in advance. Hope to hear from you soon.


Owen-Liuyuxuan commented 2 years ago

Yes. It is. Thanks for your attention.

BitandPoly commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot!