OwlcatOpenSource / WrathModificationTemplate

Internal development repository for Wrath of the Righteous mod template
Apache License 2.0
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GUI Construction #22

Open BurlyWurly opened 2 years ago

BurlyWurly commented 2 years ago

I'm a huge fan of the updates made to the modifications window in 1.1.1. I did notice it's still not accessible from the main menu, which I do feel is important and hope gets adjusted soon.

Anyway, I'd really like to try and tackle GUI now that these updates have been made. As it currently stands, I'm maintaining thirty something versions of my GreatRadiance mod since I can't let users change which version of a patch is applied. Reading up on IMGUI a bit, it sounds like a pretty basic (if lengthy) toolbar is what I'm after.

I think I understand a couple of the broad strokes involved but I'm so far away from execution here currently. Would it be possible to get some more detailed instructions, or better yet, some decent examples/baseline templates?

hmmvot commented 2 years ago

We will fix the problem with Mods UI in Main Menu. For now, for more information about IMGUI I advise you to ask other mod makers from Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Discord channel. ToyBox uses IMGUI and contains bunch of nice helpers for creating UI.

BurlyWurly commented 2 years ago

So I started a response, thought better of it, and reached out to Narria (Toybox) instead. First response is "You should stop using WrathModificatonTemplate and use UMM instead." You've put out surveys; you have to be aware that no one in the discord is using this...like at all. I have two mods up on the Nexus, and to my knowledge, that is it as far as actual published mods made with these tools. I wrote a lot more and deleted it all instead so I'm just going to end awkwardly here.

hmmvot commented 2 years ago

Ok, this is very unexpected answer from Narria.) UMM's IMGUI is the same as IMGUI for OwlcatModificationTemplate (because it is part of Unity). Code patching system is the same too (because it is Harmony library). I found suitable example of IMGUI here (GUI and Settings part). Please, describe example of UI you want to see as part of Example Modification.

ijuintekka commented 2 years ago

If both systems are capable of the same output, and as it stands both systems are rather unapproachable for aspiring mod creators without specialized knowledge, then the pre-existing system with the larger user base is obviously going to be the preferred choice, simply by virtue of the numbers. If you are to incentivize users to choose the official tools over UMM, then a lot more needs to be done to make the system approachable for the average player. Such as streamlined UI tools for simplifying the process of creating and applying blueprints, patches and assets, and of course for constructing the UI of a mod.

hmmvot commented 2 years ago

I know we need to simplify many of things but right now our team is working on Steam Workshop support.