OwnTube-tv / web-client

Portable video client for PeerTube in React Native
The Unlicense
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Load app using baseUrl `/web-client` (resolves #9) #12

Closed mblomdahl closed 4 months ago

mblomdahl commented 4 months ago

The page cannot load as the JavaScript bundle from the Expo build is referenced from the root path, ...thub.io/_expo/static/js/..., but GitHub Pages serves it from a sub-path as ...thub.io/web-client/_expo/static/js/.... This config change tells Expo to add the appropriate base path on export for web.

See Expo docs on the topic here, https://docs.expo.dev/more/expo-cli/#hosting-with-sub-paths


Proof that it works, from https://mblomdahl.github.io/web-client/:

mblomdahl commented 4 months ago

Allt verkar funka hos mig också!

@tryklick Still not an Approval, but a Comment. Please have another try! ⭐
