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Local development #2

Open retrodans opened 8 years ago

retrodans commented 8 years ago

So everyone can get involved, we need to get a VM setup really so we can stick it on a USB pen for all to grab. I generally use VLAD, but I know others use Parrot and others. Also, maybe the hosting we use will come with a VM (do Acquia/Pantheon do this for free hosting?)


darthsteven commented 8 years ago

Does VLAD support Drupal 8 nicely?

Parrot sort of does, but only in a dev branch at the moment.

retrodans commented 8 years ago

They are doing lot of work on getting it to support D8 better I think. But at the moment, I have VLAD booting up, and a D8 site running inside of it. I suppose it depends what functionality you are concerned not being there. If there is something in particular, let me know and I will check.

At the moment I have everything in this working: https://www.haikudeck.com/vlad--xdebug--drupal-8--webprofiler-uncategorized-presentation-1URyo2Wq3t

darthsteven commented 8 years ago

Well...nothing huge I guess, but can you run composer in it nicely, can you run Drush 8.

retrodans commented 8 years ago

I am not used to composer in all it's glory, but it appears to run

$ composer install
You are running composer with xdebug enabled. This has a major impact on runtime performance. See https://getcomposer.org/xdebug
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies (including require-dev) from lock file
Nothing to install or update
Generating autoload files
> Drupal\Core\Composer\Composer::preAutoloadDump
> Drupal\Core\Composer\Composer::ensureHtaccess

As for drush 8, is it needed, what with Drupal console handling a lot of the work?

darthsteven commented 8 years ago

Maybe not then :)

finnlewis commented 8 years ago

Hi guys, sorry for radio silence, I'm keen to do more inter-meetup, but Christmas kinda got in the way of that. At Agile Collective we use Parrot, on a forked feature branch (https://github.com/agilecollective/parrot/tree/feature/1404), and it works fine for us. I've yet to try the https://github.com/computerminds/parrot/tree/trusty branch. And I've not tried VLAD. I guess there may be more experience with Parrot across Agile Collective and Steven, but always happy to try something new (other than my lack of disk space).

Did either of you have any more thoughts since the discussions above?

darthsteven commented 8 years ago

Tempted to say that we should just use Parrot as there's quite a few of us who use that, and we should just get it working.

retrodans commented 8 years ago

I agree that with time requiring asap, and also that having more people knowing it will be beneficial. Whilst I am happy to show people VLAD (and still could in future if people want) having just one person to help fix and debug may not be ideal.

Also, they are likely doing nearly the same thing except one uses puppet and the other ansible. I know VLAD is very configurable and has work constantly being done to it as well if that is a point worth considering.