OxIonics / ionics_fits

Small python fitting library with an emphasis on Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics
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Make parameter estimation before fitting more transparent #44

Closed AUTProgram closed 1 year ago

AUTProgram commented 1 year ago

The current way of initialising parameters is described correctly in the docstrings for ModelParameter.initialise and ModelParameter.get_initial_value, but may feel unintuitive for users. I introduced a bug in one of my scripts because I assumed the wrong initial parameter value.

For example, if one does

param.fixed_to = 0.9

then param.initialised_to = 0.9 afterwards. So the argument passed to initialise does not necessarily have any effect on the value to which the parameter is initialised. Rather, it's just a fallback in case there's no other value that takes precedence. I think it's worth thinking about whether we can improve this part of the codebase.

Firstly, I find the word initialise already a bit ambiguous because I would argue that a parameter that is fixed during a fit does not need to be assigned an initial value in the sense of "initial parameter estimate for curve fitting". So for parameters that are fixed during a fit (for which fixed_to is not None), it's questionable whether param.initialise() has the same meaning as for parameters that are floated. As far as I can tell, for fixed parameters the attribute initialised_to is not actually used by the Fitter._fit method anyway.

I believe conceptually there's only three states a parameter can be in: -) fixed_to a certain value, in which case it does not need an initial value -) not fixed and an initial value has been specified by user -) not fixed and no initial value has been specified by user, in which case it still needs to be given an initial estimate by the model routine before fitting

I think one way of reflecting these options would be (leaving out the attributes and methods not relevant here):

class ModelParameter:
    fixed_to: Optional[float] = None
    initialised_to: Optional[float] = None

    def needs_initialising(self):
        return (self.fixed_to is None and self.initialised_to is None)

    def initialise(self, value):
        if self.fixed_to is not None:
            raise RuntimeError("Parameter is fixed, no initial value needed.")
        self.initialised_to = value

class Model:
    def estimate_parameters(self, x, y, model_parameters):
        if model_parameters["param"].needs_initialising():

This would mean that if the user has set param.fixed_to or param.initialised_to before fitting, those values would just be used directly. If initialise is called on a parameter, the user can be certain that the value passed will be the value that initialised_to is set to afterwards. Note that a fixed parameter would have self.initialised_to = None, while a floated parameter would have self.fixed_to = None. However, a downside of this approach is that the if model_parameters["param"].needs_initialising() statement has to be repeated for every parameter, which I don't like.

Not completely sure about the right way of doing things here, but I thought I'd put it out there to see what other people think.

hartytp commented 1 year ago

FWIW initialise is not a method that the user is ever intended to interact with directly -- it's only intended to be used internally e.g. within estimate_parameters. @AUTProgram if we renamed it to _initialise and update the docstring to reflect that would it help your confusion @AUTProgram?

hartytp commented 1 year ago

The other thing we could do is rename initial_value to estimate to make it clear that it's something used instead of finding a value in estimate_parameters. And then have an _initialised_value which users don't use, but is controlled within _initialise.

hartytp commented 1 year ago
class Model:
    def estimate_parameters(self, x, y, model_parameters):
        if model_parameters["param"].needs_initialising():

(NB if you write python after the triple "`"s then it does syntax highlighting for you).

The only intention of the current initialise method is to simplify this boilerplate within estimate_parameters.

hartytp commented 1 year ago

So, how about:

class ModelParameter:
    fixed_to: Optional[float] = None
    estimated_value: Optional[float] = None
    _initialised_to: Optional[float] = dataclasses.filed(init=False, default=None)

    def _initialise(self, default: float):
        if self.fixed_to is not None and self.estimated_value is not None:
            raise ValueError("Fixed parameters must not have estimated values")
        if self.fixed_to is not None:
            self._initialised_to = self.fixed_to
        elif self.estimated_value is not None:
            self._initialised_to = self.estimated_value
            self._initialised_to = default
        return self._initialised_to

class Model:
    def estimate_parameters(self, x, y, model_parameters):
AUTProgram commented 1 year ago

@hartytp I believe this has been implemented in https://github.com/OxIonics/ionics_fits/pull/45, can be closed?

hartytp commented 1 year ago

your issue. If you're happy with it, please do close