OxalisCommunity / Oxalis-AS4

PEPPOL AS4 pMode plugin for Oxalis
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Problem retrieving the recipient endpoint #242

Closed jonathangraci closed 4 months ago

jonathangraci commented 4 months ago

Hello everyone, I need some help, when I try to send a document with Oxalis I get the following error:

- Unable to fetch 'http://test-infra.peppol.at**http**/iso6523-actorid-upis... - No transmission is provided.

It's as if "http" is always inserted after the reference endpoint.

Can you help me understand where the problem is and how to solve it?

Thank you, Jonathan.

dladlk commented 4 months ago

First guess - old Oxalis version, which does not support the change in SML NAPTR: https://www.oxalis.network/technical-information Upgrade or switch to busdox

jonathangraci commented 4 months ago

Hi Dmytro, we currently use version 4.0.1. In this version we are unable to use the "lookup.locator.class" property.

Is there a possibility to fix the problem in this version?

Thank you, Jonathan.

dladlk commented 4 months ago

You can backport the fix (quite simple) to your version of peppol-lookup.jar of BdxlLocator class.

Not sure which version of peppol-lookup is in 4.0.1, but its source looks like (for 1.0.0 version):


        // Simple stupid
        if ("^.*$".equals(regexp[1]))
            return regexp[2];

You should change it according to SML migration to be similar to https://github.com/OxalisCommunity/vefa-peppol/blob/5511ab68738bfbce2f78b1300fb4b54474584871/peppol-lookup/src/main/java/network/oxalis/vefa/peppol/lookup/locator/BdxlLocator.java#L184-L199

        // Simple stupid
        if (".*".equals(regexp[1]))
            return regexp[2];

because now NAPTR records return just . instead of ^.$ like before 15.09.2021...

Be aware, that last couple of years peppol-lookup changed package from no.difi.vefa to network.oxalis.vefa, so just modify this single line.

aaron-kumar commented 4 months ago

Hi Dmytro, we currently use version 4.0.1. In this version we are unable to use the "lookup.locator.class" property. Is there a possibility to fix the problem in this version? Thank you, Jonathan.

@jonathangraci Sorry we can't provide support for any oxalis version prior than 6.x.x. Simple reason for this is that Oxalis version prior to 6.x.x are Non-compliant as per OpenPeppol specifications.

Closing issue and changing it to discussion