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Reporting BIS requirement #15

Closed aaron-kumar closed 12 months ago

aaron-kumar commented 2 years ago

Reporting BISs

The Operating Office is developing a mechanism to support the reporting policy as stated in the Internal Regulations. In this mechanism two BISs have been developed to be used for the reporting: the End User reporting BIS and the Transactions Statistics reporting BIS. The approval process requires that these new technical artefacts should be subject to a review by members. For this reason, these BISs are now available to all SPs and PAs for review. The review is published on Confluence at: https://openpeppol.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/RR/pages/2832957455/Reporting+BISs

Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template - Reporting BISs. This template must be mailed to openpeppol@peppol.eu.

The review period is 2 months and ends on 25 June 2022. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the Operating Office.

Peppol Envelope Specification

The usage of the Reporting BISs requires an update of the Peppol Envelope Specification (SBDH). Therefore, this update is also subject to a review by members and is also published on the same Confluence page.

Any comments can be submitted by using the comment template - SBDH. This template must be mailed to openpeppol@peppol.eu.

The review period is 2 months and ends on 25 June 2022. All comments submitted in the review period will be processed and addressed by the eDEC CMB.

For reference, the Internal Regulations can be found here. The Policy on reporting is described in Chapter 4.

aaron-kumar commented 1 year ago

Transaction statistics reporting BIS: The Peppol Transaction Statistics Reporting BIS is now final and has been published. All ongoing comments received from members have been addressed, which has led to an improved final version. The implementation plan will follow as soon as it has been decided when the reporting mechanism becomes operational. This is expected to be operational in Q3 of 2023. Transactions statistics reporting is now published at: https://test-docs.peppol.eu/reporting/EUR-1.0.0-RC2/

End user statistics reporting BIS The OpenPeppol Managing Committee has decided to scale down the reporting mechanism. As a result, the end user reporting has been changed and only statistics on end users must now be reported. The documents can be found on https://test-docs.peppol.eu/reporting/EUR-1.0.0-RC2/ . The review period is 2 months and ends on 21 January 2023