OxalisCommunity / oxalis

Oxalis - PEPPOL Access Point open source implementation - Core component
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Add a configuration parameter to disable dumping all settings to the log #448

Closed darklajid closed 3 years ago

darklajid commented 4 years ago

Right now, Oxalis dumps all settings to the logs during startup.

That's quite helpful as a default / during troubleshooting, but otherwise quite noisy - and it literally dumps the keystore and certificate password into the logs too.

In my case I have services integrating with Oxalis for outbound transmissions and those are spinning up on demand (so startup logs are a regular thing, removing the noise would be nice). I also don't like the idea of dumping the passwords into logs in general.

Would you accept a pull request introducing a parameter (say 'oxalis.config.dump' - feel free to improve the name) that is a boolean flag defaulting to true? As in, without it being explicitly set to false in the config file, everything stays the same?

artjomsk commented 4 years ago

You can change log level to WARN.

Or Oxalis developers can decrease log level in code you mention to DEBUG or TRACE. I think it's better approach than introducing new parameter.

darklajid commented 4 years ago

You can change log level to WARN.

Have you tried that? Because .. I don't think that works (unless you modify Oxalis itself), because the logging framework loads it configuration file AFTER the settings are getting dumped into the (default) logger as far as I can see.

I think it's better approach than introducing new parameter.

I respectfully disagree. In my opinion, passwords don't belong in (aggregated/potentially shared) logs. I see this as a (debug, dev mode) default behavior that I would love to completely turn off. And a parameter for that doesn't cost a thing/could be a single line check.

open-gdsn commented 4 years ago

Passwords should never be logged in cleartext... Ever... If you want tot test something in relation to passewords, run in a debugger and set breakpoints

theneva commented 3 years ago

I just encountered the plaintext passwords in the log, and considering the amount of work and secrecy required to get a hold of the keystore and password, I find this behaviour shocking.

Please allow us to obscure or drop sensitive fields from the log.

https://github.com/OxalisCommunity/oxalis/commit/99de80f98b1b4beb902dd33baa7c07485ee37595 is a commit from 2013 intending to hide sensitive config fields. Clearly, this change has since been undone. If undoing it was an accident, I think it's important to get it back in. If it was intentional, some documentation on the rationale behind that decision would be valuable – at least I would have known to try to restrict access to this app's logs.

aaron-kumar commented 3 years ago

c91dd30c75cf6ec882bd544ba7fbc9ba80ab8822 will hide sensitive configuration fields . Feel free to contribute (pull request) if you @darklajid want to disable dumping of all settings

aaron-kumar commented 3 years ago

@darklajid Main issue to hide password/sensitive field achieved. If you additionally want to raise PR request for dumping all settings (as you promised when you posted this issue in 2019), then please do so. I am closing this issue now.