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VOLUME instructions in Dockerfile prevent easy extension of the image #551

Open vmax opened 2 years ago

vmax commented 2 years ago


We've tried buiding a custom image based on this repo (e.g. having first line in our Dockerfile say FROM norstella/oxalis:5.0.5) and tried to put files into /oxalis/ext. However, after upgrading our container with a new image, in runtime we've discovered that files that we've added to the image are not present there.

We've tracked down the core reason behind it and it comes down to your image defining volumes in the Dockerfile:

VOLUME /oxalis/conf /oxalis/ext /oxalis/inbound /oxalis/outbound /oxalis/plugin

You can see more detailed description of this issue in this blogpost.

Could you elaborate on why these instructions have been added and whether it would possible to get rid of them?

aaron-kumar commented 1 year ago

@vmax : Docker support is Not core functionality but it is value added feature initially contributed by Oxalis user. Feel free to make required changes and raise pull request with justification/documentation of running it with your version.