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**Example** Python data processing #3

Open PriyaFromPhysics opened 4 years ago

PriyaFromPhysics commented 4 years ago

This is an example code review proposal. Do not comment. Both PriyaFromPhysics and SamFromZoology are fictitious accounts, unrelated to anyone in the corresponding departments. Any resemblance to real and actual names is purely coincidental.

Brief project description

Hello everyone, I'm a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Physics. I've been working on a small python library to process data acquired from a experiment on cold atoms. I'm fairly confident with python, but never had any formal software engineering training, so that would be nice to have another python programmer to have a look at some code I wrote! Also I'm sure there are some potential bugs around that I can't see... I'm sure a fresh pair of eyes will uncover most of them :)

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SamFromZoology commented 4 years ago

Hi Priya, that sounds like something I'd be happy to help with! I'm mostly experienced with programming in R, but I've been learning python over the past couple of months. But happy to help you do some bug hunting! That would be good training for me as well.

PriyaFromPhysics commented 4 years ago

Hey Sam, that's great! Are you free next week, say Wednesday at 4? If that's okay for you I'll send you an invite via MS Teams

SamFromZoology commented 4 years ago

That works for me