OxfordIHTM / ihtm-hackathon-2023

Oxford International Health and Tropical Medicine Hackathon 2023
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describe the sample of children in the dataset #1

Open ernestguevarra opened 1 year ago

ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago
ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago


rahmanianabila commented 1 year ago

I have opened the nut data and these are my questions

  1. What are 1 and 2 assigned for Sex, muac, and edema?
  2. Why are there NA in some of the values?
  3. Why are all of them from Urban Montserrado?
  4. Are the age unit in months?
rahmanianabila commented 1 year ago

Please cancel question no.3. Thank you

rahmanianabila commented 1 year ago

sex: 1-> male 2->female age in months muac in cm oedema: 1 -> nutritional oedema detected 2-> not detected 99-> no value muac & oedema screen (have your child been measured like this?) 1-> yes 2-> no 99-> don’t know/no response cov-status (is your child in a program that receives peanut butter?) 1-> yes 2-> no 99-> don’t know/no response

ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

sex: 1-> male 2->female age in months muac in cm oedema: 1 -> nutritional oedema detected 2-> not detected 99-> no value muac & oedema screen (have your child been measured like this?) 1-> yes 2-> no 99-> don’t know/no response cov-status (is your child in a program that receives peanut butter?) 1-> yes 2-> no 99-> don’t know/no response

For muac_screen and oedema_screen, the question asked to the mother is "Has your child been measured liked this (MUAC or oedema) in the past month.

ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

@OxfordIHTM/eevee, some notes from the questions you and your classmates have asked:

ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

Team @OxfordIHTM/eevee, I have looked at the branches from each of your team members. I am seeing good things. And I sense as well that you guys were having good discussions around the table during today's session. Keep that up.

I think your problem set is very interesting as this is usually the type of analysis that is presented first in the results section of a research. It might seem very different from the other team's problem set but I think yours is the foundation from which a good research paper is built on.

@ashishlwh-giri and @daisympando has tried some initial code to start addressing the questions for the particular problem set you are dealing with. I have a feeling that all of you have been working together to try out the same code and helping each other. I really like that approach so I look forward to seeing the other team members branches (when you can) and look forward to further questions from you.

I think you got the brief spot on - this is a hackathon and not a race - slow and steady and working together is key!

Keep it up!

Shuma1510 commented 1 year ago

sum(nut$sex %in% c(1)) sum(nut$sex %in% c(2)) sum(nut$sex %in% c(NA)) A <- sum(nut$sex %in% c(NA)) B<- sum(nut$sex %in% c(2)) C <- sum(nut$sex %in% c(1)) B+C-A

ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

Team @OxfordIHTM/eevee, I hope you are doing well.

I made comments to a pull request that @daisympando put in 2 weeks ago. I hope you guys saw that. I am assuming that was the groups submission/pull request? The pull request is erroring on the automated checks and I've mentioned in my feedback where the issues are coming from.

For our last session next week, get your R script completed and then start on preparing your section in the hackathon report. In the project/repository, you would have noticed an .Rmd file named coverage_assessment_report.Rmd. When you open that file, you should see a pre-prepared report format for the results of this hackathon and you specific section outlined in the report.

Using what you have learned in our R Markdown session, start adding text and paragraphs for your section of the report to present the results of your analysis. Please use tables to present the counts for the sample and then plots to show the distribution.

I will walk around/move around and help you get started during our last session.

ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

sum(nut$sex %in% c(1)) sum(nut$sex %in% c(2)) sum(nut$sex %in% c(NA)) A <- sum(nut$sex %in% c(NA)) B<- sum(nut$sex %in% c(2)) C <- sum(nut$sex %in% c(1)) B+C-A

Here are more appropriate ways of writing the code you have above:

sum(nut$sex == 1, na.rm = TRUE)   ## Much better to directly test equality of the 
                                  ## values rather than using %in%

sum(nut$sex == 2, na.rm = TRUE)

sum(is.na(nut$sex))               ## Remember that NA is a special value in R. 
                                  ## To test if something is NA, we use the function is.na()
ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

Team @OxfordIHTM/eevee, a table that looks like this on the report will be a good summary of your analysis results:

Urban Montserrado

  Baseline Endline
Male Number of males in baseline (% of males out of total baseline) Number of males in endline (% of males out of total endline)
Female Number of females in baseline (% of females out of total baseline) Number of females in endline (% of females out of total endline)
Total Total number baseline Total number endline

Grand Bassa

  Baseline Endline
Male Number of males in baseline (% of males out of total baseline) Number of males in endline (% of males out of total endline)
Female Number of females in baseline (% of females out of total baseline) Number of females in endline (% of females out of total endline)
Total Total number baseline Total number endline
ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

Team @OxfordIHTM/eevee, I checked again today and I didn't see a team or an individual pull request from any of you. All I have seen is a commit and push from @rahmanianabila on Monday.

As I am trying to complete the review of your code to provide feedback. I will use @rahmanianabila branch as your team's contribution for now but I encourage all of you to make a push of your work on your branch so I can provide individual feedback.

It would be ideal if @rahmanianabila can make a proper pull request as that will make it easier for me to provide feedback. If you can do that today that will be great, otherwise, I will just make a merge of your branch to a temporary branch and then I will make notes of my feedback and put it in the issue page so you all can see it.

ernestguevarra commented 1 year ago

Team @OxfordIHTM/eevee, thank you for your work on the hackathon.

You can now view the overall report with your contributions at https://oxford-ihtm.io/ihtm-hackathon-2023/coverage_assessment_report.html.

Given that the team didn't make a formal and complete pull request, I used the branch of @rahmanianabila as she was the latest one from all of you who has made a commit and push to her branch and comparing her branch with the branches from all other team members, she has the one with code/solutions for most of the questions. Without a pull request, I cannot make the typical feedback/review process via GitHub so I am using this issue comment to provide you team feedback. I will provide individual feedback to each of you separately.

Following are my comments and feedback to the team with regard to your efforts and contributions to the IHTM Hackathon 2023:

Well done again! Congratulations with your participation in this hackathon. Look forward to the course dinner in April as we will be handing out awards and tokens for all of you guys.