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Enhance accessibility to meet WCAG 2.0 compliance - automate compliance checking #193

Open jcohen02 opened 1 month ago

jcohen02 commented 1 month ago

The site should meet accessibility guidelines and be WCAG 2.0 compliant.

This will require some updates.

Compliance checking should then ideally be added into the GHA pipeline so that future changes that are non-compliant are flagged.

mjaquiery commented 1 month ago

We might want to use jest-axe in our component tests: https://github.com/nickcolley/jest-axe?tab=readme-ov-file#testing-react-with-react-testing-library

eatyourgreens commented 1 month ago

WAVE is a very good tool for manually checking pages eg. https://wave.webaim.org/report#/https://train.oxrse.uk/material/HPCu/software_architecture_and_design/object_orientated/classes

eatyourgreens commented 1 month ago

Accessibility Insights is also a great tool for Chrome and Edge. It will walk you through a WCAG 2 audit, and integrates with GitHub so that you can open issues for any problems that you find. https://accessibilityinsights.io/

Here's an example of an issue that it created: https://github.com/zooniverse/front-end-monorepo/issues/1597

eatyourgreens commented 1 month ago

The Nomensa Accessibility Statement Generator lists all the WCAG 2 AA success criteria. Tick/untick the ones that apply, and it will generate an accessibility statement that you can publish on the web site.

eatyourgreens commented 1 month ago

I ran a random course materials page through a Lighthouse check on Page Speed Insights and the results are pretty good, for Next.js. Performance is 69% and Accessibility scores 78%. This is without the PRs that merged yesterday, which should nudge the accessibility score up.


eatyourgreens commented 3 weeks ago

Yale have a useful Easy Checks Protocol for manual testing, based on WCAG.