OxygenCobalt / Auxio

A simple, rational music player for android
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.82k stars 120 forks source link

UI Customization "Player Themes" #688

Closed mehedi2580 closed 4 months ago

mehedi2580 commented 4 months ago


Add "Player Themes" this is the good features for a music player. Retro Music Player have this features but this player kind of dead. Specially "Color Theme" is so amazing. Check Screen Video. I think that will be good features for "Auxio". I hope you will add this features.

Retro Music Player Source: https://github.com/RetroMusicPlayer/RetroMusicPlayer

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Retro Music Player




I think that is the good features for Auxio. Everyone want a good minimalistic Audio Player. That color adaptive features is amazing.


OxygenCobalt commented 4 months ago

Sorry, I've already rejected this in the past. This is actually the exact opposite of minimalist. Each playback screen style begets another until I am now burdened with 10 different UI designs that I must maintain. It's simply infeasible as a solo OSS developer, and it's the exact kind of unmaintainable feature creep that actually killed Retro.

While the color style itself is neat, I also don't currently have plans to implement it since it's somewhat difficult to pull off across the entire UI.