OxygenCobalt / Auxio

A simple, rational music player for android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Albums are created based on Artist when Album Artist tag is empty #737

Closed skj-skj closed 2 months ago

skj-skj commented 2 months ago

Describe the Bug/Crash

I have a music album in my device and Album Artist tag is empty for those songs/audio files

when Album Artist Tag is empty, app will split the album based on Artist of the individual songs.

when I updated the Album Artist tag for each song lets day Foo, then app correctly shows one album.

Describe the intended behavior

App should show only one album and not split based on individual artist of the song.

What android version do you use?

Android 13

What device model do you use?

Oppo A77s

Provide a sample file


Bug report



skj-skj commented 2 months ago

Screen Shot: Screenshot_2024-03-08-12-04-26-85_e7dcd68fdcfdc2ab307738dbc82b3952

OxygenCobalt commented 2 months ago

This is intended behavior. Auxio cannot combine albums by multiple artists into one, as that would mean that albums by different artists with the same name would be merged. This is what the "Album artist" tag is explicitly designed to fix, and I would recommend retagging your library.