OxygenCobalt / Auxio

A simple, rational music player for android
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CP-1251 encoding unsupported #756

Open Doumor opened 1 month ago

Doumor commented 1 month ago

Describe the Bug/Crash


Describe the intended behavior


What android version do you use?

Android 14

What device model do you use?

Infinix Note 30

Provide a sample file

Can't send mp3.

Bug report

CP-1251 decoded in ISO-8851-1 and it's wrong.


OxygenCobalt commented 1 month ago

I will need sample files to reproduce this. Can you put them into a ZIP file and upload them @Doumor?

OxygenCobalt commented 1 month ago

Additionally: From what I'm aware no major metadata standard supports CP-1251 encoding, which means that it's functionally impossible to handle your files. I'll try my best to look at them though.