OxygenFramework / Oxygen.jl

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Hot module reloading #122

Open Dale-Black opened 10 months ago

Dale-Black commented 10 months ago

Is there a way to restart the server on file changes within the directory?

I was thinking something like BetterFileWatcher.jl might be useful for something like this but I'm not sure how to implement it

frankier commented 10 months ago

I tried to take a little look at this myself. What I found was that Revise and includet of my main module alone were not sufficient. Possibly invokelatest needs to be used somewhere in the request/response loop? Or else listen for the revise event and restart the server altogether?

You might get some idea by looking at Genie's code:


Happy to help test/review a PR.

ndortega commented 10 months ago

Hi @Dale-Black & @frankier

Thanks for opening this ticket and for the suggestions. This is a good next issue to tackle which would definitely help speed up local development.

I'll definitely try to follow what Genie.jl is doing to get this working, but I'm open to any and all suggestions. I did find a similar approach in this issue: https://github.com/JuliaWeb/HTTP.jl/issues/587

Also I'll let you know when I have something worth testing & reviewing @frankier, thanks for the help!

Dale-Black commented 10 months ago

That http.jl code looks great. So something like HTTP.listen with Revise should work?

JanisErdmanis commented 6 months ago

Is there any progress in this direction?

ndortega commented 6 months ago


There was some progress made in a PR & discussion about a month ago - but I haven't worked on it since. I've been very busy this December.

walterl commented 6 months ago

@ndortega I see in #134 you mentioned a "server flapping issue". Where is that, and is there anything we can help with?

asjir commented 5 months ago

I use Revise and to do it I have:

__revise_mode__ = :eval
function ReviseHandler(handle)
    req -> begin
        invokelatest(handle, req)
Dale-Black commented 5 months ago

Hmm, and that works? Can you share a bit more of your code and structure? Where are you serving the app from?

ndortega commented 5 months ago

Hi guys,

Sorry about the inactivity on this issue. This issue is now on the top of my todo list. As far as direction and approaches, I'm all ears. Like most things, this is new territory for me and I'm open to any and all suggestions on how to tackle this problem.

@asjir thanks for your snippet. Id also like to hear more about your project setup and workflow. I really like how you embedded this feature as a middleware function, which would be a super clean way to integrate behind the scenes

asjir commented 5 months ago

Hmm, and that works? Can you share a bit more of your code and structure? Where are you serving the app from?

Ofc, though it's very basic: in my repo I have sveltekit projects and one folder for julia server X, in X I have 5 files: Project.toml, Manifest.toml, main.jl, routes.jl, util.jl at the top of main.jl I have cd(@__DIR__) (so imports run from REPL) and then include("routes.jl") etc. at the bottom of main.jl I have:

run(; port=2227, async=true) = (!isdefined(Main, :s) || !isopen(Main.s)) && (Main.s = serve(middleware=[CorsHandler, ReviseHandler]; port, async))

this function starts an async server that I can close(s) but reruns of it don't try to start a new server which would overwrite my s variable

and inside routes.jl there's


so changes to util are also immediately reflected.

While I'm at it I'll show an example route:

post("/make-qch") do req
    data = json(req, MyStruct)
    saved[] = data
    f(data)  # returns NamedTouple

which allows me to call f(saved[]) from the REPL and Infiltrator.@inflitrate inside this function (can't use it in an async call of server response).

Dale-Black commented 4 months ago

It looks like Fons' new project has built in hot module reloading. I haven't worked with it yet but something to look into https://github.com/JuliaPluto/PlutoPages.jl

JanisErdmanis commented 4 months ago

I can report that I have had some success with ReviseHandler, which use as follows:

using ModuleA
using Oxygen

function ReviseHandler(handle)
    req -> begin
        invokelatest(handle, req)

server = ModuleA.serve(port=2345; middleware=[ReviseHandler])

The ModuleA is defined as:

module ModuleA

using Oxygen; @oxidise

@get "/inside" function(req::Request)
    return "Hello from Inside"


where the @oxidise macro will be available after the pull request https://github.com/OxygenFramework/Oxygen.jl/pull/158 will be merged.

Dale-Black commented 4 months ago

That looks clean

JanisErdmanis commented 4 months ago

The pull request is now merged on master. It would be great to get a feedback on the Revise workflow before the release.

Dale-Black commented 4 months ago

Amazing, works very nicely! (https://github.com/Dale-Black/HTMLStrings.jl/tree/main/examples/TodoApp)

Now I have more motivation to keep exploring "full stack" Julia. Excited to build out a better TodoApp with pure Julia as an example

JanisErdmanis commented 4 months ago

@Dale-Black, is there any reason why you have chosen to register routes into the todo() function? For me, it looks like a bizarre thing to do, as the routes are registered at runtime.

Dale-Black commented 4 months ago

No there isn't. I just changed that

ahjulstad commented 1 month ago

I am following this with great interest. Unfortunately I cannot get the approach from https://github.com/OxygenFramework/Oxygen.jl/issues/122#issuecomment-1939386137 to work, possibly because I don't understand how to setup folder structures and modules properly. Specifically, I am doing:



using ..ModuleA
using Oxygen

function ReviseHandler(handle)
    req -> begin
        invokelatest(handle, req)

server = ModuleA.serve(port=8080; middleware=[ReviseHandler])

and submodule.jl:

module ModuleA

using Oxygen; @oxidise

@get "/greet" function(req::Request)
    return "Hello from Inside, changed"


Server works, but doesn't reload. What is strange, though, is that I need to restart Julia for changes to submodule.jl to register. A simple Ctrl-C and rerun of the server.jl (using run in REPL from in vscode) is not sufficient.

Is it required to have ModuleA in a proper package that is added as a dev dependency?

JanisErdmanis commented 1 month ago

The approach I outlined earlier works only when the module is loaded statically, which Revise then picks up. To get the setup working, use ] generate ModuleA, put the code in src/ModuleA.jl, use @oxidise macro and activate the project with ] activate . which makes ModuleA available. Then, in the REPL, start the service with ReviseHandler. I haven’t managed to get an includet approach to work. Perhaps it is related to the way globals are revised.

ahjulstad commented 1 month ago

Thanks. I got bit by not understanding modules vs packages and the functionality of ] generate.

I also managed to get it working using PkgTemplates, but this is maybe just more work for little gain, compared to your approach.

using PkgTemplate
t = Template(dir=".")

The development then happens in this ServerPackage.

Separate from this, a new server.jl resides in a project that has ServerPackage as a development dependency. (]dev ./ServerPackage) I have it in the root folder.

using Revise

import ServerPackage

function ReviseHandler(handle)
    req -> begin
        invokelatest(handle, req)

server = ServerPackage.serve(port=8080; middleware=[ReviseHandler])

And then, (just because it is possible), I run a client in separate process that repeatedly pings the API.