Oyelowo / surreal-orm

Powerful & expressive ORM/query-builder/static checker for raw queries/Fully Automated migration tooling , designed to offer an intuitive API, strict type-checking, novel features, & full specification support. It provides a fresh perspective in data management. Currently supports SurrealDB engine. RDMSs(PG, MYSQL etc) and others coming soon
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56 Enhance migration tooling api #58

Closed Oyelowo closed 8 months ago

Oyelowo commented 8 months ago


This PR introduces a comprehensive overhaul of the Migration CLI, streamlining its functionality for a more intuitive and efficient user experience. It's a step forward in simplifying and unifying the migration process in SurrealDB environments.

More details

Migration: Fully Automated Database Schema Migrations

Surreal ORM provides a powerful command-line interface (CLI) for automatically diffing and managing database migrations in a SurrealDB environment. This tool offers functionalities ranging from initializing migrations, generating migration files, applying migrations up or down, resetting migrations, listing migrations, pruning pending migration files and various other tasks to manage your database schema effectively.

It supports both CLI and Emdded-migrations. Embedded migration includes the migration files data into your binary at compile time and is accessible to your binary at runtime.


It involves several processes including gathering codebase resources, then setting those up for initializing and generating new migrations.

Step 1: Setting Up And Gathering Codebase Resources

use surreal_orm::*;

#[derive(Node, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[surreal_orm(table_name = "animal", schemafull)]
pub struct Animal {
    pub id: SurrealSimpleId<Self>,
    pub species: String,
    // #[surreal_orm(old_name = "oldField")] // Comment this line out to carry out a renaming operation
    pub attributes: Vec<String>,
    pub created_at: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
    pub updated_at: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,
    pub velocity: u64,

impl TableResources for Animal {
    fn events_definitions() -> Vec<Raw> {
        let animal::Schema { species, velocity, .. } = Self::schema();

        let event1 = define_event("event1".to_string())
            .when(cond(species.eq("Homo Erectus")).and(velocity.gt(545)))


    fn indexes_definitions() -> Vec<Raw> {
        let animal::Schema { species, velocity, .. } = Self::schema();

        let idx1 = define_index("species_speed_idx".to_string())
            .fields(arr![species, velocity])


#[derive(Edge, Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, Clone, Default)]
#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")]
#[surreal_orm(table_name = "eats", schemafull)]
pub struct Eats<In: Node, Out: Node> {
    pub id: SurrealSimpleId<Self>,
    #[serde(rename = "in")]
    pub in_: In,
    pub out: Out,
    pub place: String,
    pub created_at: chrono::DateTime<Utc>,

pub type AnimalEatsCrop = Eats<Animal, Crop>;
impl TableResources for AnimalEatsCrop {}

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Resources;

impl DbResources for Resources {

    // Define other database resources here. They default to empty vecs
    fn analyzers(&self) -> Vec<Raw> {

    fn functions(&self) -> Vec<Raw> {

    fn params(&self) -> Vec<Raw> {

    fn scopes(&self) -> Vec<Raw> {

    fn tokens(&self) -> Vec<Raw> {

    fn users(&self) -> Vec<Raw> {

use surreal_orm::migrator::Migrator;

async fn main() {

Step 2: Running the CLI and/or Embedding Migrations

The CLI tool offers a range of commands, each with specific options and flags. Here's a quick overview:

  1. Initialize Migrations:

    cargo run -- init --name "initial migration" -r

    This initializes the migrations directory with a reversible migration named "initial_migration". Omit the -r flag if you want up only migrations.

  2. Generate Migrations:

    cargo run -- gen --name "add users table"

    Generates a new migration file named "add_users_table". Notice that we do not need to include the -r or --reversiable flag. Because we specified whether we want a reversible or non-reversible migration when we initialized, the migration type is automatically detected subsequently.

  3. Apply Migrations Up:

    # Applies all pending till latest by default
    cargo run -- up
    # Applies all pending till latest
    cargo run -- up -l
    # Applies by the number specified
    cargo run -- up -n 5
    cargo run -- up --number 5
    # Applies till specified migration
    cargo run -- up -t "20240107015727114_create_first.up.surql"
    cargo run -- up --till "20240107015727114_create_first.up.surql"

    Applies pending migrations forward using various strategies: till latest, by number count and till a specified migration.

  4. Rollback Migrations:

    # Rollback migration to previous by default
    cargo run -- down
    # Rollback all pending till previous
    cargo run -- down --previous
    # Rollback by the number specified
    cargo run -- down -n 5
    cargo run -- down --number 5
    # Rollback till specified migration
    cargo run -- down -t "20240107015727114_create_first.up.surql"
    cargo run -- down --till "20240107015727114_create_first.up.surql"
    # In addition, you can use the --prune flag to delete local migration 
    # files after rolling back. This can be useful in development for rapid changes.
    cargo run -- down -n 5 --prune

    Rolls back the last applied migration.

  5. Reset Migrations:

    cargo run -- reset --name "initial_migration" -r

    Resets all migrations and initializes a new reversible migration named "initial_migration". Skip the -r or --reversible flag if you want up only migrations,

  6. Prune Migrations:

    # List pending migrations by default
    cargo run -- prune

    Prune all pending unapplied migrations.

  7. List Migrations:

    # List pending migrations by default
    cargo run -- ls
    cargo run -- list
    # List all migrations
    cargo run -- list --status all
    # List pending migrations
    cargo run -- list --status pending
    # List applied migrations
    cargo run -- list --status applied

    Lists migrations by their statuses i.e, all, pending and applied.

Advanced Migration CLI Usage

Advanced usage involves specifying additional flags and options to tailor the migration process to your specific needs. Here's how you can use these advanced features:

  1. Custom Migration Directory:

    cargo run -- init --name "initial_migration" --dir "custom_migrations" -r

    Initializes migrations in a custom directory named "custom_migrations".

  2. Verbose Output:

    cargo run -- up -vvv

    Runs migrations with 3 levels verbose output.

  3. Database Connection Configuration:

    • URL: ws://localhost:8000
    • Database Name: test
    • Namespace: test
    • User: root
    • Password: root
    cargo run -- up --url "ws://localhost:8000" --db "mydb" --ns "myns" --user "username" --pass "password"

    Connects to the specified SurrealDB instance with custom credentials and applies migrations.

    Other supported urls types include:

    - ws://localhost:8000
    - wss://cloud.example.com
    - http://localhost:8000
    - https://cloud.example.com
    - mem:// 
    # or simply
    - memory
    - file://temp.db
    - indxdb://MyDatabase
    - tikv://localhost:2379
    - fdb://fdb.cluster

    This configuration enables the CLI to connect to different database backends including WebSocket, HTTP(S), In-Memory, File-Backend, and more.

Embedded Migrations

use surreal_orm::migrator::{
    self, config::DatabaseConnection, EmbeddedMigrationsOneWay, EmbeddedMigrationsTwoWay,
embed_migrations, Mode, UpdateStrategy,

// Embed migrations as constant
const MIGRATIONS_ONE_WAY: EmbeddedMigrationsOneWay =
    embed_migrations!("tests/migrations-oneway", one_way, strict);

let db = DatabaseConnection::default().setup().await.db().unwrap();
    .run(db.clone(), UpdateStrategy::Latest, Mode::Strict)

const MIGRATIONS_TWO_WAY: EmbeddedMigrationsTwoWay =
    embed_migrations!("tests/migrations-twoway", two_way, strict);

    .run(db.clone(), UpdateStrategy::Latest, Mode::Strict)