OzzieIsaacs / cps-shelf-adder

Mass adding of books to a shelf in calibre-web
GNU General Public License v3.0
42 stars 6 forks source link

Could not log in to calibre-web #2

Closed xthursdayx closed 2 years ago

xthursdayx commented 2 years ago

I'm running into an issue where the script is unable to log into my Calibre-Web instance for some reason. I've tried using my normal admin user's login info, as well as creating a new admin user (with a simpler password), and have tried to connect to Calibre-Web both from within my network (via IP:Port) and via reverse proxy (https and subdomain). I'm not sure why I'm unable to connect to Calibre-Web but also don't know how to troubleshoot the problem any further. Any ideas? Thanks!

OzzieIsaacs commented 2 years ago

Yeah the script isn‘t working anymore. I‘ll have a look at it tomorrow

OzzieIsaacs commented 2 years ago

Meanwhile you can also add books from search results to a shelf, maybe this solves your problem

OzzieIsaacs commented 2 years ago

Please update to the newest commit, works now again

xthursdayx commented 2 years ago

Ah, okay, thanks for letting me know. Glad to know it's not just me.