P1sec / pycrate

A Python library to ease the development of encoders and decoders for various protocols and file formats; contains ASN.1 and CSN.1 compilers.
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RRCLTE to_json in Python 2.7 #126

Closed hektordaniel closed 3 years ago

hektordaniel commented 4 years ago

Hi all

I have two servers running decoding of RRC LTE. However one server is python 2.7 and other server is python 3.8. Runnning following code in python 2.7 is getting error, besides in python 3.8 environment runs well. However, in python 2.7 is not recognizing the functions related to JER and JSON:

import json from pycrate_asn1dir import RRCLTE from pycrate_asn1rt.utils import * ULCCH = RRCLTE.EUTRA_RRC_Definitions.UL_CCCH_Message MSG=unhexlify("074172083900") ULCCH.from_uper(MSG) stringdecoded=ULCCH.to_json() print stringdecoded { message c1 : rrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest : { criticalExtensions rrcConnectionReestablishmentRequest-r8 : { ue-Identity { c-RNTI '3A0B'H -- : --, physCellId 288, shortMAC-I '8390'H }, reestablishmentCause reconfigurationFailure, spare '00'B } } }

dd=ULCCH.to_json() Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in AttributeError: 'SEQ' object has no attribute 'to_json'

if I check the functions for the class ULCCH in different versions of python can be observed that JSON and JER functions are not recognized by python2.7. Could you please confirm me if there is any workaround for this, different to upgrade python?

PYTHON 3.8 dir(ULCCH) ['CLASS', 'DEFAULT_TRANS', 'ENV_SEL_TRANS', 'TAG', 'TYPE', '_ASN1Objto_ber_codec_set', '_ASN1Objto_ber_codec_unset', '_SAFE_BND', '_SAFE_BNDTAB', '_SAFE_DYN', '_SAFE_INIT', '_SAFE_STAT', '_SAFE_VAL', '_SILENT', 'bin', 'bytes', 'call', 'class', 'delattr', 'dict', 'dir', 'doc', 'eq', 'format', 'ge', 'getattribute', 'gt', 'hash', 'hex', 'init', 'init_subclass', 'le', 'lt', 'module', 'ne', 'new', 'reduce', 'reduce_ex', 'repr', 'setattr', 'sizeof', 'str', 'subclasshook', 'weakref', '_chk_hier', '_chk_trans', '_const_tab', '_const_val', '_cont', '_cont_tags', '_decode_ber_cont', '_decode_ber_cont_ws', '_def', '_encode_ber_cont', '_encode_ber_cont_ws', '_env', '_ext', '_from_asn1', '_from_ber', '_from_ber_ws', '_from_jval', '_from_jval_wrap', '_from_oer', '_from_oer_ws', '_from_per', '_from_per_ws', '_get_obj_by_path', '_get_tab_obj', '_get_tab_obj_nonuniq', '_get_tab_obj_uniq', '_get_val_by_path', '_group', '_hier', '_log', '_mod', '_mode', '_name', '_opt', '_param', '_parent', '_root', '_root_mand', '_root_opt', '_safechk_bnd', '_safechk_obj', '_safechk_set', '_safechk_set_int', '_safechk_set_real', '_safechk_set_str', '_safechk_val', '_safechk_val_int', '_safechk_val_real', '_safechk_val_str', '_safechk_valcompl', '_tag', '_tagc', '_to_asn1', '_to_ber', '_to_ber_ws', '_to_jval', '_to_jval_wrap', '_to_oer', '_to_oer_ws', '_to_per', '_to_per_ws', '_tr', '_trans', '_transauto', '_typeref', '_uniq', '_val', 'bin', 'convert_named_val', 'dec_hier', 'from_aper', 'from_aper_ws', 'from_asn1', 'from_ber', 'from_ber_ws', 'from_bytes', 'from_cer', 'from_cer_ws', 'from_coer', 'from_coer_ws', 'from_der', 'from_der_ws', 'from_gser', 'from_int', 'from_jer', 'from_json', 'from_oer', 'from_oer_ws', 'from_uint', 'from_uper', 'from_uper_ws', 'fullname', 'get_at', 'get_complexity', 'get_const', 'get_env', 'get_header', 'get_hier', 'get_hier_abs', 'get_internals', 'get_len', 'get_next', 'get_payload', 'get_prev', 'get_proto', 'get_root', 'get_root_path', 'get_trans', 'get_type_list', 'get_typeref', 'get_typeref_list', 'get_val', 'get_val_at', 'get_val_paths', 'hex', 'in_class', 'inc_hier', 'iter_cont', 'reautomate', 'reset_val', 'set_env', 'set_hier', 'set_trans', 'set_transauto', 'set_val', 'set_val_at', 'show', 'to_aper', 'to_aper_ws', 'to_asn1', 'to_ber', 'to_ber_ws', 'to_bytes', 'to_cer', 'to_cer_ws', 'to_coer', 'to_coer_ws', 'to_der', 'to_der_ws', 'to_gser', 'to_int', 'to_jer', 'to_json', 'to_oer', 'to_oer_ws', 'to_uint', 'to_uper', 'to_uper_ws', 'unset_val']

PYTHON2.7 dir(ULCCH) ['CLASS', 'DEFAULT_TRANS', 'ENV_SEL_TRANS', 'TAG', 'TYPE', '_ASN1Objto_ber_codec_set', '_ASN1Objto_ber_codec_unse t', '_SAFE_BND', '_SAFE_BNDTAB', '_SAFE_DYN', '_SAFE_INIT', '_SAFE_STAT', '_SAFE_VAL', '_SILENT', 'bin', 'call ', 'class', 'delattr', 'dict', 'doc', 'format', 'getattribute', 'hash', 'hex', 'in it', 'module', 'new', 'reduce', 'reduce_ex', 'repr', 'setattr', 'sizeof', 'str', '_ _subclasshook', 'weakref', '_chk_hier', '_chk_trans', '_const_tab', '_const_val', '_cont', '_cont_tags', '_deco de_ber_cont', '_decode_ber_cont_ws', '_def', '_encode_ber_cont', '_encode_ber_cont_ws', '_env', '_ext', '_from_asn1', '_from_ber', '_from_ber_ws', '_from_oer', '_from_oer_ws', '_from_per', '_from_per_ws', '_get_obj_by_path', '_get_tab _obj', '_get_tab_obj_nonuniq', '_get_tab_obj_uniq', '_get_val_by_path', '_group', '_hier', '_log', '_mod', '_mode', ' _name', '_opt', '_param', '_parent', '_root', '_root_mand', '_root_opt', '_safechk_bnd', '_safechk_obj', '_safechk_se t', '_safechk_set_int', '_safechk_set_real', '_safechk_set_str', '_safechk_val', '_safechk_val_int', '_safechk_val_re al', '_safechk_val_str', '_safechk_valcompl', '_tag', '_tagc', '_to_asn1', '_to_ber', '_to_ber_ws', '_to_oer', '_to_o er_ws', '_to_per', '_to_per_ws', '_tr', '_trans', '_transauto', '_typeref', '_uniq', '_val', 'bin', 'convert_named_va l', 'dec_hier', 'from_aper', 'from_aper_ws', 'from_asn1', 'from_ber', 'from_ber_ws', 'from_bytes', 'fromcer', 'from cer_ws', 'from_coer', 'from_coer_ws', 'from_der', 'from_der_ws', 'from_gser', 'from_int', 'from_oer', 'from_oer_ws', 'from_uint', 'from_uper', 'from_uper_ws', 'fullname', 'get_at', 'get_complexity', 'get_const', 'get_env', 'get_header ', 'get_hier', 'get_hier_abs', 'get_internals', 'get_len', 'get_next', 'get_payload', 'get_prev', 'get_proto', 'get_r oot', 'get_root_path', 'get_trans', 'get_type_list', 'get_typeref', 'get_typeref_list', 'get_val', 'get_val_at', 'get _val_paths', 'hex', 'in_class', 'inc_hier', 'reautomate', 'reset_val', 'set_env', 'set_hier', 'set_trans', 'set_trans auto', 'set_val', 'set_val_at', 'show', 'to_aper', 'to_aper_ws', 'to_asn1', 'to_ber', 'to_ber_ws', 'to_bytes', 'to_cer', 'to_cer_ws', 'to_coer', 'to_coer_ws', 'to_der', 'to_der_ws', 'to_gser', 'to_int', 'to_oer', 'to_oer_ws', 'to_uint ', 'to_uper', 'to_uper_ws', 'unset_val']

p1-bmu commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. As you should know, Python 2 is end of life, and should not be used anymore. I checked on my side and found that some evolution of Python 2.7 (now 2.7.18...) lead to broken features in pycrate: support for JSONDecoderError, certain kind of method calls, and representation of scientific numbers... I fixed all of them, so everyone can again perfectly enjoy pycrate with Python 2.7 ! But I can only recommend you to move to Python 3.

hektordaniel commented 4 years ago

Ok thanks for your help. I am going to upgrade to python 3. As you mention, to_asn1 decoding works perfectly in python 2.7.1. only issue is feature to_json.