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Programming curricula
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Change in AppAcademy Curiculum #181

Open srithasriram30 opened 2 years ago

srithasriram30 commented 2 years ago

AppAcademy has recently (25 Apr 2022) changed to a different curriculum, Open V2. The older course is still available at open.appacademy.io/login. The differences between the two are here in the FAQ: https://appacademy.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000981293-FAQ-App-Academy-Open

So my question is, should we continue with Open V1 or move on to Open V2?

P1xt commented 2 years ago

They have not changed to a new curriculum.

They actually have two curricula. The one I'm currently linking to (Ruby based) and a JavaScript/Python one as well. Both have been available to their paid students for quite some time and the JS/Python one was in beta for the open (free) students for about the last year. They moved the JS/Python open version onto a new platform a month or so ago and what you saw released yesterday was the result of that beta test. That test is not complete, at least I hope it isn't 'cause they just changed a perfectly nice dark theme into a (to my eyes) headache inducing light theme complete with two billion dropdowns and red on white links.

I've been watching the beta evolve and my general sense right now is:

I would happily recommend either to anyone wanting a robust introduction to programming.

I will not update this repository to include the JS/PY version as an option until it's actually completely available. Everything from about midway is "coming soon".

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Leaving this open because it IS on my radar to include the JS/PY version. I'm just not going to do that until it's actually complete.

ghost commented 2 years ago

They have published the latest modules

P1xt commented 2 years ago

Yeah, I saw that, letting the dust settle for a few days (and spot checking it myself to make sure there are no bugs that'd keep folks from finishing)

ghost commented 2 years ago

Yes, I tested the program it is less deep than the old one. The repetition and better it would be necessary to add the free books of the launchSchool. sorry if ever my comments are weird I am a French developer, I used your deposit for some project of my school

P1xt commented 1 year ago

Note to self, update to the new curriculum, a/A has broken the old links.

P1xt commented 1 year ago

Extra note to self: Find time to recheck all links and update to the V2 a/A curriculum, it is outstanding!

RAKAHH commented 10 months ago

Hello P1xt I would like to know if I should choose v1 or v2 of openappacademy thank you in advance and thank you for your work.

P1xt commented 10 months ago

Personally, I enjoyed V1 more, it seemed to teach more of the more difficult topics and I felt that I learned more.

That said, if you're just starting out and value having contact with others who are going through the same curriculum as you (although they're not likely to be at the exact same lesson because everyone started on a different day and goes at a different pace) take V2. The discord is almost exclusively folks going through V2 and there are help channels there for if you get stuck so you can ask a question and (maybe, not guaranteed) someone will be able to help you. With V1 you pretty much need to be prepared to go it alone.

Note: V2 still teaches A LOT, it's not some crazy amount of learning you'd be missing out on going V2 instead of V1. You have to factor it in terms of "how much will I learn per 20 hours spent" and how much of a factor having a bit of community will impact that for you.

RAKAHH commented 10 months ago

Thanks, man, you're the best. I already have a few years of programming in c and asm ( I like roms ) I decided to learn the web with a program it's easier thanks to you again