For consistency and to better reflect our project's branding and purpose, we are changing the name to dar-t.
Reason for Change:
The new name, dar-t, is more aligned with our project's current direction and branding efforts.
Changing the name in will ensure that our package is correctly identified and can be more easily found by users and contributors.
Proposed Change:
Update the name parameter in the setup() function within from data_anonymizer to dar-t.
Impact of Change:
This change will require updating any documentation referencing the old project name.
Users installing the package after the change will need to use the new name dar-t.
For consistency and to better reflect our project's branding and purpose, we are changing the name to dar-t.
Reason for Change:
The new name, dar-t, is more aligned with our project's current direction and branding efforts. Changing the name in will ensure that our package is correctly identified and can be more easily found by users and contributors.
Proposed Change:
Update the name parameter in the setup() function within from data_anonymizer to dar-t.
Impact of Change:
This change will require updating any documentation referencing the old project name. Users installing the package after the change will need to use the new name dar-t.