P233 / Syntax-highlighting-for-Sass

A Sublime Text 3 package for highlighting both Sass and SCSS syntax.
MIT License
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.scss autocompletion gone in sublime text 3 #78

Open mpitz opened 6 years ago

mpitz commented 6 years ago

After the last update the autocompletion in the .scss files dosn't work anymore but in the .sass files.

System: Windows 10, Sublime Text 3

lisunovdv commented 6 years ago

Just re-install the plugin. It works for me (totally remove package and install it from scratch)

mpitz commented 6 years ago

Didn't work. After removing Emmet too the autocompletion works as expacted, but that's not an option.

Lopol2010 commented 6 years ago

For me both scss and sass not work today.

System: Windows 10, Sublime Text 3

Lopol2010 commented 6 years ago

Ok sorry, just read the New Features section Removed built-in completions

Lopol2010 commented 6 years ago

Emmet Css Snippets appears to have absolutely the same autocompletions and: "Works with default CSS package, LESS, and Syntax Highlighting for Sass"

mpitz commented 6 years ago

Right, I also missed the "Feature" description. Hm I will give the Emmet CSS Snippets a chance.

Lopol2010 commented 6 years ago

This pack work perfect for me: Emmet Css Snippets - for props like color, height etc. SASS Snippets - for functions such as rgb()... Sass - you know

mpitz commented 6 years ago

It's really annoying that the built in completion is gone!

For example in SCSS: typing "colo" doesn't complete "color" typing "posi" doesn't complete "position" further "abs" doesn't complete "absolute"

And very annoying: all defined sass/scss variables aren't in the completion

If you switch in scss documents to sass than all work's like before but the curly brackets are highlighted/marked.

Please readd the completion! Parhaps with a flag to activate/deactivate them ...

I've installed emmt and the emmet css snippets but can't achieve a nearly good completion.

minstyle commented 6 years ago

I have the same problem with SCSS as mpitz described. Please fix it.

ThaoD5 commented 6 years ago

The feature

Removed built-in completions

is really a bad idea..

Is there a chance to roll back on this one ? I don't really see the point of removing this important feature (because having it is a feature, removing it isn't) 👎

Anthodpnt commented 6 years ago

Hi @P233,

Thanks for the good work on the previous releases... I think we're a lot to have some questions about this 🎉 brand new feature 🎉 that removes the built-in completion of Sublime Text. Here are mine and I hope you have relevant answers to them:

  1. Why do you need to remove the built-in completion for your package ?
  2. Why do we need to install 2 more packages because of this feature ?
  3. Don't you think a package should improve Sublime Text without removing one of it's most used built-in feature ?
  4. When did you think it was even a good idea ?

I can't imagine the number of hours developers around the world should spent right now trying to figure out why their completion isn't working anymore because of your last release instead of writing code for maybe a next amazing website, application,...

No one here understand the pros of removing a core feature of Sublime Text and the advantage for your package I guess. Personally I really hope it's an April Fool's joke and that you made a mistake reading the date this morning when waking up.

Best regards, Anthony

qgates commented 6 years ago

As a temporary workaround, pull the css_completions.py out of your `Packages\CSS.sublime-package' and modify line 449 (build 3143, may vary on newer builds) to:

css_selector_scope = "source.css - meta.selector.css, source.scss - meta.selector.scss"

Drop the file in your Sublime Packages\User folder, restart sublime and good old CSS completions should be back.

From this thread, it seems that author @P233 is incorporating standard CSS completions back, but the above workaround seems to work for now :-)

mikevaux commented 6 years ago

Guys, I think the development community would benefit from slightly less grumbling and sarcasm when reporting issues. Let's remember that we are all benefitting from @P233 's work for free.. If issues are important to you, then definitely report them, but maybe with a bit of grace for things you don't understand or possible errors :-)

mikevaux commented 6 years ago

p.s. @qgates that looks helpful!

P233 commented 6 years ago


In terms of the "Removed built-in completions", I was comparing with the previous version of this package which happened before this package takes over the package name of "Sass".

In the ST2 version, there was a feature to filter completions based on scopes. But it increased the difficulty and time spent to maintain this package. When ST3 introduced the new syntax definition format, I decided to give it a shot.

Since I don't use ST as my primary editor (except reading code), I want to abandon the completion feature and rely it on the Emmet plugin; then I could focus on the highlighting accuracy and save my free time.

screen shot 2018-02-05 at 9 12 08 pm

And you could see how I improved accuracy in the new version:

screen shot 2018-02-05 at 9 22 49 pm

Now I am planning to reorganise scopes which could fix two existing bugs and bring back the completion feature with accuracy popup position. Please bear with me for a while longer.

dortamiguel commented 6 years ago

Emmet completions are not working

blakewatson commented 6 years ago

@P233 Would the adjustments you are talking about bring back auto-completing text that appears in the file (like class names)? I have no problem with using Emmet for props and values, but I use auto-completion as an accessibility feature (I have difficulty typing) to help me type repeated/similar selectors and such.

yordanzhelevdev commented 6 years ago


krispind commented 6 years ago
