P2PHackClub / website

Website for P2P Hack Club, a club at Peak to Peak Charter school where we build hardware and software projects
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Create a page link with information about our discord #14

Open thatrobotdev opened 2 years ago

thatrobotdev commented 2 years ago

To make getting to our discord easy, instead of pasting our discord invite link (https://discord.com/invite/fSjjXzv), we used to be able to tell people to go to https://p2phack.club/discord. Let's reimplement that page!

This page was created on a google site last year, archived at https://2020.p2phack.club/discord.

Create a page in the style of the other pages on the new site, with information about the discord and a quick easy link to join the server. Make sure to mention the Code of Conduct and provide a link for people to read before they join the server. For bonus points, if you know how, hide the discord link behind a button that makes someone agree to have read the code of conduct before they are able to access the link :D

If you can, please mention AUGN and HGN game nights (more info in #13) as a reason for joining the server.

Ooh, and if you want to add a discord widget, here ya go! <iframe src="https://discord.com/widget?id=663937413818744833&theme=dark" width="350" height="500" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0" sandbox="allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox allow-same-origin allow-scripts"></iframe>

Adding this feature would consist of:

  1. Creating a page at https://p2phack.club/discord with a link to our discord (https://discord.com/invite/fSjjXzv)
  2. Mention the Code of Conduct (https://community.p2phack.club/CONDUCT.html) and tell people to read it before joining the server
  3. Mention AUGN and HGN game nights as a reason for joining the server. (#13)
  4. BONUS: Hide the discord link behind a button that makes someone agree to have read the code of conduct before being able to access the link


This is a "first-timers-only" issue. That means that we are requesting that only those new to open source try this one out! Please ask as many questions as you need, I am here to help you create your first contribution to open-source :D

arialdyscv commented 2 years ago

@thatrobotdev Hello, can i work on this for the hacktoberfest? :)

VaithiSniper commented 2 years ago

Hello, can I work on this?

thatrobotdev commented 2 years ago

@arialdyscv since you're already assigned to #13, I'll give this one to @VaithiSniper. Thank you so much for offering to help out though, I am super grateful!

VaithiSniper commented 2 years ago

Thank you!

VaithiSniper commented 2 years ago

do i use the same text as in the previous site, stuff like "During the school year, and especially during the summer, we use Discord as our primary platform to send out announcements. In addition to getting information, our Discord is a really great place to get to know other hackers and get help with your programming questions! Discord is a voice and chat platform for those ages 13+. We also post announcements on a Google Classroom page if you do not want to use Discord, or are under 13."

VaithiSniper commented 2 years ago

dom also how do i route it to https://p2phack.club/discord. And can you add hacktoberfest to the repo topics since I want this PR to count.

S3cBar0n commented 2 years ago


Feel free to customize the description to something that you think might be a bit more friendlier to the club if you would like. We do request that the 13+ disclaimer is still listed for Discord ToS reasons.

This issue is in regards to making a separate webpage for our discord server, so you would need to commit a new .HTML file that would contain the information listed in the original Issue description.

You do not need to worry about registering a domain at that website you're visiting. Once you have the .HTML page completed, you can add an additional link to the discord webpage in the gridcontainer (aka the navbar) in index.html.

And lastly, this repo has already been tagged with the hacktoberfest tag, no worries there, if we accept your PR you will get credit.

Let me know if you have any questions,


S3cBar0n commented 2 years ago

@VaithiSniper are you still working on this issue?

VaithiSniper commented 2 years ago

Hey yes sorry, had my college exams come up. I'll send soon.

VaithiSniper commented 2 years ago

Hey I'm done. You can check and review my PR.

gcotofernandez commented 2 years ago

Hi @thatrobotdev! May I contribute to this?