P3-Core-Dev-Team / P3-Q-A

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UI - Loading issue #32

Closed suseela22 closed 3 weeks ago

suseela22 commented 7 months ago

When the application tile is clicked, UI is loading for very long time and giving bad request error as below. server :



kilam005 commented 6 months ago

@Udhayanila8 please validate and assign to the necessary developers if its a bug. Please add details.

Udhayanila8 commented 6 months ago

Tested in the test region (146 server). Able to open without getting any error. Working as expected.


Tested in the test region (218 server). Able to open without getting any error. Working as expected. Image

suseela22 commented 6 months ago

We are facing this issue again. Load is failing while clicking on the application image

suseela22 commented 6 months ago

Our team is facing the loading issue many times. Every time we got the update from product team is that the restart was done due to the ecosystem issue. Is it because of configuration? May I know the root cause for this?

Search screen update is not happening for any of the application


kilam005 commented 5 months ago

@Udhayanila8 please recheck once again

suseela22 commented 5 months ago

We could not able to run any of the searches. Please keep us informed if any deployment is going on server.


kilam005 commented 5 months ago

This may not be due to deployment. Also deployment to the server will not be made without prior notice. Based on the message Its due to Sharding. Maximum shards are open. Forwarding to team for verification and rectification.

kilam005 commented 4 months ago

@ashoksri0 has confirmed the existance of bug and has provided code fixes. More info will be provioded after testing.

kilam005 commented 3 months ago

RCA Open search runtime inputs were not properly controlled

Fix details The related errors were detected and corrective steps were implmentent to prevent the reported errors.

kilam005 commented 3 months ago

@suseela22 please check and provide closure for this issue

suseela22 commented 3 months ago

The issue still persists. We are facing the below error while performing the Adhoc and advance search. It is not occurring every time but randomly.


kilam005 commented 3 months ago

@suseela22 can you inform all the steps you followed?

kilam005 commented 3 months ago

@suseela22 please recheck and if re occurs please inform replication steps

suseela22 commented 2 months ago

Since it doesn't occurs in specific scenario and occurs randomly in different pages, I could not able to provide replication steps. Will provide detailed steps if it occurs again. The sharding issue still occurs while fetching the search result. As per your previous comment the fix is provided and deployed in 218 server or waiting for the fix?

kilam005 commented 2 months ago

@suseela22 will recheck with team and update here. Kindly hold on for a week.

kilam005 commented 1 month ago


The fixes are available in 218 server. The build version details are v2024.03.45414 please check and update us on your findings.

kilam005 commented 1 month ago

@suseela22, Please try once and provide your finding

suseela22 commented 1 month ago

Issue still persist in 218 region with Version: 2024.03.45414_P1

I tried the Adhoc Search with the enduser login and the below issue occurs

Note: I tried with same input, after sometimes it worked.



ClementJosh21 commented 4 weeks ago

@kilam005 / @ElakkiyaBalasubramanian10 I think there is already an issue being tracked for the above mentioned scenario. Should be hold two issues for same scenario?

kilam005 commented 4 weeks ago

@suseela22 the original issue seems to be fixed and the recently reported timeout issue is being tracker in #102 which make this a duplicate.

Can we close the issue here if the original issue is rectrified and continue the time out issue in tne 102 issue page.