P3-Core-Dev-Team / P3-Q-A

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ADS-Search - Dropdown values from database (Dell) (Product Functionality Request) #47

Open kilam005 opened 5 months ago

kilam005 commented 5 months ago

Dropdown values from database


Adding this ticket for tacking purpose. Originally raised by Rani on 18 Dec 2023

kilam005 commented 5 months ago

[Product Team] (22 Dec 2023) : Rani to share or demonstrate how it works in IA for the dropdowns prefilled with the value from database. Also, to share specific use cases where we might use a few of the features from the feedback list. Will be taken as a feature request and facilated once demo and requirment clarity is obtained.

kilam005 commented 5 months ago

[Product Team] (7 Jan 2024): @maheswarareddyi and team will connect with Rani to evaluate what they have planned for requirment confirmation.

maheswarareddyi commented 3 months ago

A stakeholder meeting was scheduled for today. Working on corrections and awaiting document release for review. Upon receiving the sign-off, we will deliver the requirements to the development team

maheswarareddyi commented 2 months ago

The requirement document has been submitted for review and is expected to be signed off by 26 April.

maheswarareddyi commented 2 months ago

@prabhakaranUI @selvakumarchandran Please find the signed-off requirements here to plan the development activities

kilam005 commented 1 month ago

Development is in progress

kilam005 commented 1 month ago

First demo was shown and feedbacks were conveyed. Yet to open for testing.

ElakkiyaBalasubramanian10 commented 1 month ago

PR in review state from BE

prabhakaranUI commented 4 weeks ago

Feature released for testing in 146 server Version: 2024.05.45423_RC4

ElakkiyaBalasubramanian10 commented 4 weeks ago

Testing in progress

kilam005 commented 3 weeks ago

Testing is in progress. ETA for testing completion is Friday 14th June

kilam005 commented 2 weeks ago

Testing was carried out and noticed issues were reported back to dev team. Dev team fixes are planned to be packaged and handed over for testing today,

kilam005 commented 7 hours ago

Delivery expected was delayed. Testing to be carred out today once released is shared for testing.