P3-Core-Dev-Team / P3-Q-A

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Dell- Search Result - String sort #71

Closed raniangamuthu closed 4 months ago

raniangamuthu commented 4 months ago

String sort columns not working as case insensitive. image

kilam005 commented 4 months ago

@ashoksri0 / @selvakumarchandran
this should be dicussed.

@kilam005 to get back to @raniangamuthu and team about the possibliity.

kilam005 commented 4 months ago

@raniangamuthu This is being checked along with #62 the possibilities of this is being explored. this would take at least 3 days to confirm support possibility.

Please expect this sometime on or before the week of Feb 26th

kilam005 commented 4 months ago

@raniangamuthu Priliminary fix is ready. Testing is being performed

Udhayanila8 commented 4 months ago

Tested in 3.1.7 version. Server:

Screenshots image

Udhayanila8 commented 4 months ago

Tested in 2024.01.45313_P1 version in 146 server. image

kilam005 commented 4 months ago

@ashoksri0 / @VikramSelvadurai please add RCA and Fix details

dinesh-p3 commented 4 months ago

RCA The case insensitive property is not enabled by default to all the columns with String Data type

Fix details The required property is added to the String fields while saving the data in open search to enable the case insensitivity to columns with String Data type