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Decide and argument for our implementation of the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol. Use Google or implement one ourselves #28

Closed MikaelVM closed 2 years ago

MikaelVM commented 2 years ago

To insure security we are implementing a authentication and authorization system for ours users. It has been determined that this will be done using Bearer Authentication using the OAuth 2.0 standard

Determine whether we should implement this OAuth 2.0 standard ourselves or use a third party like Google ASP.NET Identity have tools for implementing the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocols ourselves. However it also has tools to work and connect to a third party's implementation of the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocols, like Google and Facebook. Determine which is better for our system based on our earlier discussion(see below).

What should be written? Argumentation for the chosen implementation of the OAuth 2.0 authentication protocol for our Web Service.

Relevant links: OAuth2 documentation, note we are using it with bearer tokens

From earlier discussion: The group does not have a factual preference for either solution, but there is a slight personal preference to create our own solution. Therefore the solution should be based on which solution is the easiest and fastest to implement. The ease of implementation is especially important if we do it ourselves, as research show that most security exploits is due to failing to implement the OAuth 2.0 standard properly.

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