PABannier / bark.cpp

Suno AI's Bark model in C/C++ for fast text-to-speech
MIT License
633 stars 48 forks source link

Support iOS and Android? #126

Open hussain-mustafa990 opened 7 months ago

hussain-mustafa990 commented 7 months ago

Hi, Is it possible to support iOS and Android? General guidelines on how you'd approach that.

Thanks, Hussain

PABannier commented 2 months ago

Hi @hussain-mustafa990 !

This should be possible, but I doubt the model would be very fast even with quantized weights.

Green-Sky commented 2 months ago

@PABannier did you know sono later published a small model variant too?

PABannier commented 2 months ago

Oh no, I did not know that. Well, there are many things to do, lol. Bark Small, Audiocraft, AudioLDM2, Piper/Vits, etc. I'll try to have a look this week-end

PABannier commented 2 months ago

FYI, I just merged instructions to run bark-small with bark.cpp. This model should be more suited for mobile platforms, provided we support CoreML.

Green-Sky commented 2 months ago

Very nice, will test it later!

BrutalCoding commented 1 month ago

Very nice, will test it later!

@Green-Sky Have you tried it yet? I'm very curious. I am considering to try leveraging bark.cpp in an open source project of mine. If anyone could confirm that this small model is running, with okay'ish speed, on your average mid-range (or otherwise high-end) phone 🤔 🤠 - that'd be awesome. Thanks

PABannier commented 1 month ago

Hello @BrutalCoding ! There is a demo of Bark.cpp running on the iPhone.