PANOimagen / profiletool

Home to the QGis Profiletool plugin. Initial work on this fork was partially funded by the C.A. La Rioja
GNU General Public License v2.0
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matplotlib backend #71

Closed cefect closed 2 years ago

cefect commented 2 years ago

Love the plugin been using it for years (with the matplotlib backend). Just updated to 4.2.1 and the following is thrown after changing the backend to matplotlib and left clicking anywhere. This also seems to disrupt any mouseclicking signals as I'm no longer able to draw polylines with the plugin.



Not sure if this is related:

2021-12-30T14:06:35 WARNING warning:C:\LS\06_SOFT\Qgis\profiles\default/python/plugins\profiletool\pyqtgraph\graphicsItems\PlotItem\ DeprecationWarning: an integer is required (got type numpy.float64). Implicit conversion to integers using int is deprecated, and may be removed in a future version of Python. self.ctrl.gridAlphaSlider.setValue(v)

         traceback: File "C:\LS\06_SOFT\Qgis\\profiles\default/python/plugins\profiletool\ui\", line 143, in changePlotLibrary
          File "C:\LS\06_SOFT\Qgis\\profiles\default/python/plugins\profiletool\ui\", line 177, in addPlotWidget
          self.plotWdg = PlottingTool().changePlotWidget("PyQtGraph", self.frame_for_plot)
          File "C:\LS\06_SOFT\Qgis\\profiles\default/python/plugins\profiletool\tools\", line 96, in changePlotWidget
          plotWdg.showGrid(True, True, 0.5)
          File "C:\LS\06_SOFT\Qgis\\profiles\default/python/plugins\profiletool\pyqtgraph\graphicsItems\PlotItem\", line 382, in showGrid
nicogodet commented 2 years ago

Upstream issue

Not a profiletool issue.

nicogodet commented 2 years ago

Issue opened on OSGeo4W tracker :

nicogodet commented 2 years ago

Matplotlib issue fixed with the update of the library in OSGeo4W.